YES is Your Ticket
Something in me has always loved the idea of traveling. I even worked briefly as a travel agent back in my younger days because I was so attracted to the idea of exploring new places. Whether you travel by train or plane or bus, if there is more than one stop on your journey you need a new boarding pass or ticket for every part of your journey. Every pass opens the way to a new destination along the way toward your final destination.
I have had the opportunity to travel from New York to Nairobi, Kenya but to get to Nairobi I had to go through Amsterdam. If I didn't have my boarding pass in Amsterdam, I would never have made it to Nairobi. If I had never made it to Nairobi, then an important part of fulfilling my unique mission would not have taken place.
So, what does that have to do with the BIG YES and being all in with God? Your final destination is God's unique will for you, His plan and purpose for your life. In order to reach your final destination you are going to have many connecting destinations along the way. Every new connection needs another YES. Being all in means being ready to give God the next YES.
Whatever the challenge is that you are facing today I can guarantee you that hidden in that challenge is a YES that will be the ticket to the next destination on your journey. Every step toward your final destination, fulfilling your unique mission, will require another YES. Get your ticket ready!
Key thought: Fulfilling your unique mission happens YES by YES.
A Scripture to consider: "When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father's commandments and remain in his love." John 15:10 NLT
A YES challenge: Where is the YES in the challenge you are currently facing?