Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success. Proverbs 15:22 NLT
Clearly articulating your goals can require perseverance. There may be times when everything just flows out. The path is clear. You know what the goal is and you write it out, post it somewhere to remind yourself and smile. You know where you are going and are confident you will get there.
Other times, it takes longer to pin down exactly what the goal is. The way is not as clear, and you don’t know how to get what you are thinking down on paper. Sometimes you have to persevere to get the clarity that helps you follow through on accomplishing the goals you set. It can be hard to express what you feel is the right goal. You have to persevere to get to it. Perseverance is often God’s character-building tool.
What do you do then? How do you write out your goals if you can’t clearly put it into words?
That’s when you need help. Articulating your goal may requires others. You don’t need to do this on your own.
You need time. It’s nice when everything seems to flow out. If you are like me, when you hear other people talk about those easy moments and declare getting it all on paper in ten minutes as proof that God is in the plan, you question yourself. Why is it so hard for me to express this? Is this really God?
Give yourself time. Clarity comes with time. Focus comes as you better understand yourself, your situation, and God’s purpose for you. Give yourself time to let that knowing settle in. Sometimes God allows the struggle. Like the butterfly working its way out of the cocoon, the struggle builds strength and prepares you to fly. Just as reading these words may help you gain a different perspective; you need other people to help you see clearly.
You need the perspective of people you trust. God has not designed us to function independently. Yes, He has created us as unique individuals. But as individuals who are dependent on each other. You need the perspective of those you trust to help you fully articulate what God has put inside you.
The people you trust most are the people who can help you best articulate what God is saying to you about your goals. They are the people who know you best.
It is a risk to share your heart with anyone, even those closest to you. There is a risk of being hurt by truthful comments. They may point out places you need to adjust. But when you know that someone wants the best for you, the pain of truth carries the peace of knowing you are loved. That’s a risk worth taking. And that risk may be exactly what you need.
You need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Asking may be the first step in setting goals, but asking continues throughout the process of aiming toward your goals. Don’t forget to keep God included. Trust that the Holy Spirit will speak to you and guide you.
Keep asking God as you ask others. Ask Him to send you the right people. Ask Him to confirm His call through the Scriptures and circumstances. Ask Him to give you the right words so that you can confidently obey Him in the goals you set.
Dear friend, give yourself grace when articulating your goals is difficult. You need time to develop clarity. You need the perspective of people you trust. And you will continue to need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The process is going to be worth it. You will clearly articulate your goals. With clarity comes confidence. That confidence is coming!
Key Question: Why do you need help to craft the right goals?
A Scripture to Consider: Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success. Proverbs 15:22 NLT
A YES Challenge: If you are struggling to articulate your goals, set aside time to put something down on paper. Identify one or two people you trust and invite them into the process. Share what you have written with them and invite their feedback.
Prayer: Lord, I want to accomplish Your goals for my life. I am not always clear on what those are. Even though I pray and trust the Holy Spirit to guide me I realize I also need the help of others. Show me the right people to include in my goal-setting process. Help me take the risk of trusting them with this important part of my life. I need their help to clearly understand what You are saying to me. Thank You for guiding me through all of this. Amen.