The YES Adventure

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Does All This Busyness Really Matter?

You are standing in the middle of a busy mall. People are rushing past you, their arms are full of purchases, but their wearied demeanor makes it clear that their shopping task is far from complete and they are not heading for the exit. You recognize that look because you are right there with them. You stop and watch the chaos. Listening to the hum of activity, the occasional scream of a tired toddler reaches your ears. Music fills the cavernous space. You realize that as full of activity as that space is, it’s empty at the same time. “What is all this busyness for anyway and why am I here in the middle of it?”

When I have allowed the tornado of the holiday season to envelope me, I have had those kinds of moments. But questioning isn’t all bad, you know. Questions like that reveal our desire for more, more life, more meaning, more purpose. You don’t want to just do what is expected. You want to do something that has value. So, in the middle of holiday obligations is it possible to connect to life, meaning and purpose? Absolutely!

The holidays illuminate an on-going problem in my life and, I expect, in yours, too. You and I often allow tasks to crowd out purpose. We let our to-dos become more important than our why. Why are we buying gifts during the Christmas season? Why are we working through our task list at a frantic pace? Is being “productive” enough of a motivation? What is it we are really trying to accomplish?

I have found that If I want to connect my busy times with meaning and purpose I need to take time to slow down so that I stay connected to my why. When I can do that, my tasks become filled with meaning. I am reminded of what really matters.

Here are some suggestions for keeping yourself focused on your why in the next few weeks.

Add planned stops into your to-do list. When there is so much to do it seems counterproductive to plan stops, but bear with me here. The phrase “shop till you drop” has developed for a reason! Don’t be that girl! God made you and I to give Him glory by serving His purpose and serving others on the earth, right? Is shopping until we are exhausted part of that purpose? It can be, but not if we do it until we are completely depleted. When you and I reach the point of absolute exhaustion it is usually because we are running on our own strength. I submit to you that planned reconnections with God and with your why will keep you fueled with he energy that doesn’t run out. His! Schedule breaks on those one-activity-to-the-next days and in those breaks intentionally remind yourself of what matters most and what your busyness is meant to accomplish. Even five short minutes can make a difference as you express your love and thankfulness to God. You may be surprised at the lift you receive.

Review your purpose regularly. Let your “why” inspire your “what”. Plan times of regular review to keep you connected to your life purpose. Have you ever taken time to prayerfully craft a purpose statement? I wrote a post about that earlier in the year, How To Be The Best You (April 6, 2019). You can review that post by clicking here.

It might seem counterintuitive to begin that process now, but just take a few minutes to pray about it and write down what God shows you. Then find ways to remind yourself of that purpose throughout your busy days. Some of your tasks may stay the same, but the motivation may shift. The questions may still come. “Why am I buying gifts for people? Because it is expected? Because It’s a family obligation?” Those questions can help you connect your task to your purpose. How about because you want to express God’s love to them, to meet a deeper need? What would it do for you to keep that kind of perspective?

Take more time after the holiday to fine-tune your purpose statement, but during the holiday avalanche, take a few minutes regularly to review your preliminary purpose statement to help you stay focused. You will find the winds of the tornado begin to die down and a circle of peace start to surround you.

Don’t let holiday expectations crowd out God’s expectations for you. Don’t let the expected overrule the inspired. You exist for God’s purposes. That doesn't change with the seasons. In this season, stay connected to God’s purposes for you. Media urges us to remember the real meaning of Christmas. For many that means love and family, but we know that it is something more. We are celebrating the birth of our Savior. In that is, not only the meaning of Christmas, but the real meaning of life. We exist to know HIm and make Him known. We exist to make His name glorious, to share His love with the world. We live for His glory. We fulfill divine potential for His glory.

If you can stay connected to that purpose as you shop, bake and wrap, your holiday will change. You will want to express His love to those you meet. They become more than tools to help you accomplish your goal of Christmas shopping. They are people who need to know that Jesus loved them enough to die for them. The people on your list become more than social and family obligations. They are people that Jesus has put in your sphere of influence so that you can show His love to them. Wouldn’t that give your Christmas task list more meaning and purpose?

Friend, God has given you a unique and wonderful purpose and a specific sphere of influence. This season is another opportunity to fulfill that purpose and influence the people around you for Him. Slow down, stay connected to His purpose for you and watch what happens!

Key Thought: Stay connected to your purpose in the midst of this busy season.

A Scripture to consider: Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge: Review the post on writing a purpose statement (Click here.) and take 10-20 minutes to prayerfully begin the process of developing a personal purpose statement. Write down a preliminary statement and review it regularly as you enter this holiday season. How does staying connected to your life purpose shift your perspective?

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me that my life has a meaning and purpose far above fulfilling holiday obligations. Help me to stay connected to Your purposes for me as my days fill up with seasonal commitments. Help me to remember that in every season, You are the one thing that really matters. Amen.