The YES Adventure

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Look Around. How Is God With You?

As I listened to the preacher’s story, I had the same questions. But how would God answer me? He shared a time of sitting in a chair feeling alone and abandoned by God and saying to God, “Don’t You care? Don’t You love me?” The story continued with the man’s little child coming to him at just that moment, climbing into his lap, putting tiny hands on either side of his grown-up face, looking directly into his eyes and saying, “I love you, Daddy!” In that moment, the preacher recognized the love of God coming to him in the form of his child. I had the same question, “Don’t You care? Don’t You love me?” Later in the service, God used that preacher to answer my questions in a way that I recognized as God sending His love to me. How is God sending His love to you today?

There are times in life when we feel absolutely alone. Rejected and abandoned by the people we most hoped would be there for us. There are even times when we feel rejected and abandoned by God. Key word: FEEL. It often seems like He is not there as we walk through difficult circumstances. You may think, “Where are you, God? Don’t You care? Don’t You love me?” Maybe you are in one of those times right now. I am so sorry that this time is so tough, but let me encourage you to look around and recognize Immanuel, God with you.

Immanuel. God with us. Isn’t that an amazing thing? That is what we celebrate in the Christmas season. God loved so much that He gave. He gave Jesus. He gave Jesus so that He could be present with us. I hear you. “I know, I know.” Ok. You know it. But do you KNOW it? Really?

When you and I are in the midst of a difficult time it seems like the first thing we forget is Immanuel, God is with us. We try to figure out how to fix the situation and the people in it. We try to make things turn out the way we think they should. And then, when it doesn’t work, because it never does, we wonder where God was in all of it. But the problem is that we don’t usually stop to look for Him first.

Perhaps the first thing to do when times get tough is to just stop and remind yourself, “No matter what is happening right now, God IS with me. He sent Jesus to earth so that He could be with me. And because He IS with me, He will help me navigate this.”

But Jesus isn’t on the earth any more. He is in heaven. How is He with me now? He sent the Holy Spirit so that He could be with us always and in all circumstances. There’s knowing (head knowledge) and then there’s knowing (heart knowledge). When it comes to knowing that God is with you, is it in your head or in your heart? The Holy Spirit is God always with us. He is constantly whispering words of direction and comfort, illuminating the written Word of God, empowering us to be who God wants us to be and live the way God wants us to live. Do you really know that?

If you and I knew that the Holy Spirit was present with us constantly, God with us, then wouldn’t we be constantly talking with Him, asking Him for direction, listening to His prompts? We would! But, instead, we feel alone. Listen to your self-talk, the voice in your head. Are you talking to God, recognizing the Holy Spirit and His presence with you? I know I don’t do it enough. I have come a long way from where I first started, but I have yet to cultivate a constant awareness that He is with me. That is the goal!

He is also always with us in the form of people. God sends people into our lives to remind us that He is with us and to help us accomplish His purposes. The people He sends may not even be believers, but they have been sent into our lives to help us in the way that God knows we need help. They are reminders that God is with us.

Sometimes He sends people as spiritual mentors, examples to encourage and strengthen us. They are reminders that God is with us.

He sends us family members that help and support us in the middle of our trial (even if other family members ARE our trial!). They are reminders that God is with us.

Look around. Where do you need to know that God is with you? Where do you see God in the people in your life? Who is your current reminder that God is with you? It might even be a little child.

Take time to recognize God with you in the form of the people around you.

Immanuel. God is with you!

Key thought: God is with you.

A Scripture to consider: “ ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).’ ” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A YES challenge: As you consider who in your life is a reminder that God is with you, take time to thank God for them. Then plan a way that you will thank that person for showing you Jesus.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for the promise of Your presence, even in the middle of this difficult time. Forgive me for not always recognizing Your Holy Spirt with me. Forgive me for not recognizing the gift of Your presence in the people You send into my life. Open my eyes to recognize that You are with me. Amen.