The YES Adventure

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It Really Isn’t All Up To You!

It may seem silly, but I was once overwhelmed and afraid to be a chaperone for a school field trip. I had volunteered to go with one of my kids and in many ways was looking forward to it. But I had never really been a chaperone before. At least not for middle schoolers! I worked part time at the school, so I knew how middle-schoolers could be. I don’t like not knowing what to expect and I definitely didn't know what to expect with these kids. I didn't know which students would be assigned to me and I was nervous about how to handle them.

What should have been a small concern became a major issue in my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and trying to figure it out, trying to imagine what might happen and how I would handle it. Finally, I was fed up with worrying. This could not go on! So, I prayed about it. Maybe I should have done that sooner? In my time of prayer God reminded me of a verse. I decided to write It on an index card and put in my pocket for the day of the trip. Isaiah 41:10 says this, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” ‭‭(‭NLT‬‬) Having the verse in my pocket was a reminder that it wasn’t all up to me and God was ready to help me, no matter which middle-schoolers were with me or what shenanigans they got up to. There was a lot of comfort in that!

What overwhelms you? What causes you to try to figure things out? You have a lot of problems to solve, don’t you? We all do. You may have solved the same kinds of problems for years or maybe you feel like you face a new challenge every day. You may feel like you have got it down pat or maybe your feel like you never know what to do. Do you include God in your problem-solving? Have you been trying to manage all by yourself? That can be a daunting task. You may not even realize the burden you have been carrying in trying to solve all your own problems. Why not try a different approach?

Don’t let fear rule your thinking. Fear can show up in a couple of ways. You may be worrying, trying to figure things out, like I did before the field trip. That is the kind of fear that is easy to recognize. But fear can also show up in a confident determination to be in control of every situation, not to let anything rattle you and not to let anything get out of place. That kind of fear is just as destructive and still leaves God out of the equation. Whichever type of fear dominates your problem-solving, it’s time to stop and let your faith in God overcome your fear.

Remember He is present. The very thing that caused me to surrender to God in the first place was a recognition that I couldn’t solve my own problems. As an overwhelmed college student I kept saying, “I should be able to handle my own problems!” But I couldn’t and found myself emotionally out of control. One cold night a terrifying thought crossed my mind as I got ready to cross a street on the way back to my rented room. “What would happen if I threw myself out in front of that car?” I knew that my limit was reached. I realized that I needed God to help me sort through all that was happening in my life. I couldn’t do it on my own.

I reached my room, knelt by my bed and prayed, “God, I can’t do it by myself anymore! I need You to help me!” That was the turning point. That was when I gave God room to come in and begin to change me. I am still one to try to figure out my own problems. That is a tendency I will always be working on, but I can never forget that night. I never want to be that overwhelmed again. The awareness that God was there and ready to help me changed my destiny. I imagine it changed yours, too. Let’s continually remember Him as we face our daily challenges.

Call on Him for help in the middle of it. You don’t have to figure it out for yourself. That may sound like a given, but, if we are honest with ourselves, we often forget to call on Him until we are deep into a difficulty. Maybe you are like me and you chide yourself for not thinking of Him sooner, for not asking Him first. Don’t waste your time on self-scolding. Just stop and call on Him immediately. Taking the time to pray in the middle of a problem invites God’s presence, peace and wisdom into the challenge. The energy that you have expended trying to figure it out for yourself may have exhausted you, but inviting God into it will bring you fresh perspective and creativity. He will be there to help you. He won't ignore your call for help. Truly, He won’t! It is never too late to call on God.

Since that night in college, I have called on Him and found Him ready to help me over and over. Whether you are settled and sure of yourself or a constant worrier, I want to suggest inviting God into your problem-solving. It really isn’t all up to you!

Want to know how that field trip turned out? I had two students in my group and one of them was my own child. We had a relaxed and peaceful day, lovely weather and a good time. But I know that it was my prayer time and the verse in my pocket that made the difference for me. Even with only two kids I knew I could call on God for wisdom, strength and guidance. I was aware of His presence throughout the day and the verse became etched in my memory. I call on it often and share it with others just as often.

Dear Friend, do you really know that you don’t have to figure it out for yourself? It really isn’t all up to you. God wants to be there with you in the midst of the challenge, giving you wisdom and insight, helping you to navigate whatever is happening. What verse do you need in your pocket today?

Key thought: You don’t have to figure it out! Call on God to help.

A Scripture to consider: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge: Take an honest look at the way you approach your problems. Do you include God in the process? Find a verse that encourages you to call on Him, such as Isaiah 41:10. Write it on an index card and put it in your pocket to remind you that He is ready to help.

Prayer: Lord, even though I know that You are there and ready to help me, I sometimes forget to call on You. Help me to include You in the daily challenges I face, even the small ones. Help me to invite You into my problem solving. I need You! Amen.