The YES Adventure

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Quick Thoughts From Room 314

So, I am writing today from an unexpected location. Room 314 at my local hospital. Those of you who know me and love me will be telling me to rest, and I am. But I just wanted to shoot out a couple quick thoughts. This will be short. I promise!

What I thought was an intestinal bug on Sunday afternoon, became a trip to the emergency room on Monday night, an emergency procedure on Tuesday morning and surgery on Thursday morning. I am in day two of surgery recovery and feeling really good. So, don’t worry! We all have times that don’t turn out as we expected, so I thought I would share with you a few things that I am learning from this experience.

God often answers prayers in unexpected ways. I have been working with a medical professional to try to resolve an issue. Details are unimportant and unnecessary in this case, believe me! I had been referred to a specialist and had an appointment scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. I obviously didn’t see him Tuesday afternoon, but I did see him at 5:00am in the OR. My prayer in preparation for that appointment was, “God, what does my body need?” This whole episode made clear exactly what my body needed and I will not have those issues anymore. Not what I expected, but thoroughly answered. 

I really never am alone. The pandemic has limited hospital visits, which, honestly, works for me. I heal better in quiet. But only two visitors a day for no more than four hours total leaves a lot of empty time. In this room, and on the way to the operating room for surgery, I have been so aware of the many people praying for me. Some of you who have prayed are reading these words right now. I can not fully express my gratitude. I have felt you with me. You have carried me through this. I so appreciate each one of you. Your prayers make more difference than you or I fully realize. Thank you!

God’s presence is never limited by location. I have been very aware of God’s presence with me and have tasted that sweetness in ways that I will never forget in places that I never would have imagined. Waiting to go in to surgery was one of them. As I prayed a short prayer, I felt Him surround me and remind me that He would go before me and never leave me. I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything. I’ll have it with me forever. He is so good!

So, I think I will wrap it up there, Dear Friend. I share these thoughts with you to remind you that what has been true for me this week will be true for you some time as well. God may answer your prayers in unexpected ways, you are never alone because more people care about you than you can comprehend and God will surround you with His presence in unexpected places. 

Father, be with my friend today. Help them to know that they are loved. Loved by You and loved by others. Help them to know that they are never alone, Never. Help them to experience Your presence right when they need You most. Right where they are. Right now. Amen.