The YES Adventure

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Stop. Think. Thank.

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”  ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

2020 has added extra stress to an already stressful time of year, hasn’t it? So, how was your 2020 Thanksgiving? Did you travel against recommendations? No guilt! You did what you thought was best for your family, but there was a layer of unfamiliar stress, right? 

Did you cook a Thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever after you decided not to travel? I remember my first Thanksgiving cooking experience. As a newlywed, my job gave us a free turkey, so, after the holiday, Tom and I had both sets of parents for a Thanksgiving-style dinner. One of the most stressful experiences of my life! I feel for you! 

Whatever your holiday looked like, it was different than you normally celebrate it, even if you did what you normally do. Now, we are entering the uncharted waters of a pandemic-altered Christmas season. Just the uncertainty of what this will look like adds an undercurrent of anxiety, whether you acknowledge it or not. We may as well acknowledge it, right?

Okay, here’s a little exercise for you in the midst of this holiday weekend. It won’t take long, but do it! You’ll have a new perspective on this whirlwind of activity with its 2020 twist. 

First, stop what you are doing. Honestly, for me, stopping is the hardest part. Maybe you are figuring out what to do with all your first-ever Thanksgiving leftovers or perhaps you are beginning your Christmas shopping online or in person, or maybe you are putting up your decorations. Whatever it is,  just stop. I promise it will be worth it!

Next, set a timer for two minutes. That’s all. Just two. You will be surprised at how long two minutes can seem. 

Now, take a few deep breaths. That’s it. Nice and slow. Good! As you close your eyes, focus on God’s presence with you and start your timer. Keep taking deep breaths as you need to. 

For the next two minutes do your best to keep your focus on God’s presence with you and all that you are thankful for. You will have to fight off all your busy thoughts. Believe me, I know this from experience! But as you focus on what you are thankful for it will also help you to be more aware of God’s presence with you. Really! It will!

When your two minute timer signals the end of this little Thanks-break stop and evaluate how you are feeling. More at peace? A little more joy? Some clarity about what to do next? Just more aware that God is with you in this pandemic-adjusted holiday? You might feel like it was a waste of time because you had trouble staying focused. It wasn’t. Really. It wasn’t. Whatever the result, take that with you as you resume your activity. 

That’s it! Just a little Thanks-break injected into your busy season. Whatever the future looks like, there is one thing that does not change: God is with you and for you. He loves you and will not leave your side as you navigate the final days of 2020 and begin the unpredictable days of 2021 with hope. 

Final part of the exercise: Plan to take more stop, think, thank breaks throughout this holiday season. 

Dear Friend, I encourage you to be intentional about taking time out of the stress to remember that you are not alone as you go through this. Yes, you have friends and family with you. But most importantly, God is present with you in the middle of it all. Take some time today to stop, think and thank Him. 

Have I ever told you that I am grateful for you? Well, I am. God bless you richly, Dear Friend!

Key thought: Take time out from your busy-ness to stop, think and thank God. 

A Scripture to consider: “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” ‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge: If you just read about stopping to think and thank God but didn’t actually do it, do it now! Decide when you will take your next break or plan when to fit breaks into your schedule on a regular basis. 

Prayer: Father, this year is so different from normal. Every year has its twists and turns, but I really don’t know what to expect from Christmas 2020. Help me to stop, think and thank You in the midst of it all. Thank You for being with me and for me regardless of my life circumstances. Help me to stay connected to You through it all. Amen.