This Is Normal?! How To Adjust To What You Didn’t Expect
So, it’s July and I saw my first “back to school” commercial on TV. Really?! But, are kids going back to school in the fall? Actually, the right question is: How are the kids going back to school in the fall? Virtually? In person? A blend of both? My life was structured around the school schedule for more than twenty years when my kids were in school and I worked in schools. It brought a sense of order to all my days and years. Now...what school year schedule?
This is normal?! School plans in the air? Face masks in public? But, that is the new normal, isn’t it? Not knowing what is going to happen. What would normally be anticipated can no longer be expected. Things we didn’t ever imagine are now reality. As you try to plan your calendar for the rest of 2020, I hope you don’t have a pen in your hand! Pencil is the only way to plan these days.
How are you doing with the new normal? Are your fighting it internally? Are you just hanging on until “normal” comes back?
Do you find yourself longing for the normal that you used to know? The normal that you anticipated? Yeah, me too. But it isn’t happening now and won’t be happening in the near future. I hate to break it to you, but the normal that you and I knew is gone for good. There is no turning back. What you and I have to do now is learn to navigate the normal that is, not look back to the normal that was.
How can we make it through the new normal? No, not just make it through. How can you and I thrive and honor God in the midst of this unexpected reality?
First, forget what is behind and accept what is. The key is in recognizing what is real and living there. You can’t really forget what was. That’s not what I am saying. But when we look back at the past and long for it, we can’t move forward. The key to moving forward with grace is to accept what is and let go of what is not. Take a deep breath and then take one last look back. Go ahead! Take that deep breath now! Now, turn your face forward. There, that’s better!
Second, set your mind on the future and look forward to what is ahead. It’s up to you to decide where you will let your thoughts dwell. No one else can do that for you. When you decide to focus on the current reality and look ahead, anticipation will grow within you. Really, it will!
Ask yourself: “What might God want to do in and through me in this new normal? What might be possible now that was not possible before? How is God growing me through this so that I can become the person that He has always intended me to be?”
This new normal is just as full of possibilities as the one we have left behind. When you shift your focus to what lies ahead, the fog begins to clear a bit and you just might be able to discern some shapes on the horizon. Decide how you are going to think about this. Determine where you will let your thoughts wander to...and where you won’t.
Pivot your perspective and press on. What lies ahead is more than just schedules and plans. There is a reality that stretches far beyond the end of your calendar years. Eternity is ahead and that’s what is worth living for. Press on and take hold of the prize of living forever in the presence of the One who loves you completely and continually. This world is temporary and in constant change. What matters most, what really matters, is eternal. The eternal never changes.
Long before the pandemic of 2020 I found myself in the midst of a new normal I didn’t expect. I’d love to share details with you, but it wouldn’t be appropriate. Just let me say that all that I imagined, planned and prayed for seemed to be replaced with the exact opposite, and my new reality was outside the realm of anything I ever imagined.
My life looks nothing like I expected and I have had to wrestle with that in God’s presence...a lot. In all my wrestling I have come to this conclusion: This life is not all there is, and if I say that I believe in heaven and eternity, then that is what I need to live for. Jesus did not die so that I could live a comfortable life on earth, but so that my relationship with God could be restored. Because of the cross, I can taste eternity now and experience complete restoration when this life is over. He opened the door to heaven and I choose to set my mind on things above, not things here on earth. (Colossians 3:2)
The key to remaining steady in uncertain times is to keep the end in mind. What do I really want? More importantly, who do I want to be? What do I want to be known for? Is my strongest desire material comfort and stability, or Is it to represent Christ well?
The new normal is not what I had hoped for or expected. The new normal looks nothing like what I dreamed of. The new normal in some ways is horrifying to me, but, one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and reaching out for what is ahead, I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. He is the one at work in me both to want to and to do what pleases Him. (Philippians 3: 13-14 , 2:13)
Press on, Dear Friend, because in the end our normal will be in His presence forever. That’s a reality worth reaching for.
Key thought: An eternal perspective will help you adjust to what you didn’t expect.
A Scripture to consider: “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:13, 14 NLT
A YES challenge: As you face your new normal, ask yourself some questions in God’s presence. “What is it that I really want? What matters most to me?” Allow Him to reveal your own heart to you and ask Him to help you focus on pleasing Him above all.
Prayer: Lord, this normal doesn’t look anything like I expected and I don’t know what is going to happen next or how to prepare for it. Help me to let go of all my expectations and focus on being the person You want me to be, whatever happens. Amen.