The YES Adventure

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Whatever Happens

Whatever happens conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27 

Recent events have made it clearer than ever that the world we live in is chaotic and uncertain. It is impossible for us to know from one day to the next what a day will bring forth. Whatever we thought was “normal” can no longer be depended on. The path forward is unclear for all of us. Maybe you are asking, “What will the future hold and how can I prepare to respond in the midst of so much upheaval and loss? What is my part in the drama that is playing out in the world around me?”

It can be overwhelming to think about everything that is happening. Or perhaps you choose to avoid looking at the news headlines completely and to just go on with life as “normal” for as long as you possibly can. Regardless of what your coping strategy is, I want to encourage you that you have a clear and high call in the midst of the turmoil swirling around you. God’s Word has clearly spoken about how to respond in any and every circumstance. We have an unchanging and steady guide in the midst of upheaval. Are you ready to take a look?

Whatever happens conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27

Whatever happens, your response matters. The apostle Paul wrote the above words to his dear friends in Philippi while he was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. Earlier in the letter he commends them for their partnership in the Gospel all along. He points out that with his imprisonment there are those who now are preaching the Gospel hoping that it will cause trouble for him among those who are preaching with renewed passion and commitment. He encourages his friends that in spite of the persecution he is facing, all that really matters is that the Gospel is going forward. He encourages them to maintain that focus as they also face persecution. 

You and I are already facing troubled times and it is possible that those times will get worse before they get better. That is the reality. God is still on the throne and He could make it all go away, but often He allows His people to go through difficulty to remind them that He is their source of comfort and security and to remind them to keep calling on Him. This may be one of those times.

Paul makes it clear that, whatever we may face, what matters most is that the message of Christ be honored by the behavior of those who name Him as Lord. Your response in the midst of world chaos can help or hurt the Gospel in your sphere of influence. Make it count for Christ. 

Our call is clear: Live worthy of the Gospel. In times when the way is unclear, we have a guiding principle. As people who claim allegiance to Christ, that allegiance takes precedence over every other loyalty in our lives. We are to seek Him first (Matthew 6:33) Our commitment to Christ and our pledge to follow Him comes before our other commitments. Before family. Before job. Before country.

Whatever situation may present itself, we have a choice about how to respond. Let your response honor the character of Christ. The details of what to do may be unclear, but how you do it matters. Point the way to Christ with your choices. You and I have a responsibility to demonstrate to a broken world what He is like. That responsibility is weightier than any other. Whatever happens, the most important thing is that Christ and His gospel are honored. Let that guide you in the days ahead. 

Whatever your opinions, let your behavior honor God. The truth is that even believers do not agree on politics or music or how church should be run. We are often disappointed because we expect others to think the way we do. That disappointment can lead to anger and judgement. I don’t consider myself to be an angry person, but I have learned to recognize how it shows up in me. I don’t yell or express it physically, but it is there and I have to rely on the Holy Spirit to help me check my attitude toward those whose opinion on what is right differs from mine. At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is the Gospel of Christ and the honor of His name. 

We may disagree on specific behaviors, but we can agree on what the character of Christ looks like. He is patient, kind and never rude. He is not self-seeking or easily angered. He always rejoices with truth. He is full of love, putting others before Himself. (See 1 Corinthians 13) He brings peace with Him wherever He goes. He is gentle and strong at the same time. He is faithful, standing firm. He is self-control and enables those who follow Him to be self-controlled by His Holy Spirit. (See Galatians 5) This is the character I want to honor. I want to look to this beautiful Jesus and lift Him higher than any other. This is Who I want my life to reflect. This the Light I want to carry to a dark world. 

Dear Friend, let these words steady you while the world is rocking beneath your feet: Your life matters for the sake of the Gospel. You have a choice about how you will respond to the chaos and confusion. Let your words, actions and attitudes — your life — honor Christ. Whatever happens live in a manner worthy of the Gospel. 

Key thought: Whatever happens, my response matters for the sake of the Gospel. 

A Scripture to consider: Whatever happens conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27 

A YES challenge: Take some time in God’s presence to reflect on this past week. Journaling might be a great way to do this. How have your responses honored the Gospel of Christ? What can you adjust going forward so that the Gospel becomes your priority?

Prayer: Father, I confess to You that I have been shaken by all the uncertainty and instability in my world. At times, I have let myself be swayed to behave in a manner that does not honor You. My words, actions and attitudes have not always been worthy of the Gospel. Please forgive me. Whatever happens, I want to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower me to point others to You by the way I behave no matter what happens. Amen.