The YES Adventure

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A Blank Page: What Do You Want to Do With This Year?

 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12

 A new year. A blank page. What do you want to write on it? What is it that you really want this year? Have you thought about that?

 The famous quote, “If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it,” is full of truth. Without a goal, wandering is inevitable. Do you want to wander this year? Or would you like to reach the end of this year feeling satisfied and fulfilled, knowing that you have achieved something meaningful?

 I’ll bet your life is crazy. Mine, too! Family responsibilities fill your brain and call for attention. Work fills the daytime hours and sometimes follows you home. All the things you want to do stand off to the side like the little kids who were not chosen to play on the team at recess. You want to get them in the game, but the immediate needs of life just seem to clamor for attention, so you choose them. In the end, you feel scattered and like you aren’t really accomplishing anything important. Right?

 What if you were to take just a few moments of reflection now, at the beginning of this year, and choose one or two of those off-to-the-side, some-day things to work toward? What would it feel like at the end of this year to know that you have made progress toward or accomplished something that you have been wanting to do? It would feel good, right?

 So, let’s take some steps to make that happen. Ask yourself a few questions.

 What really matters to me? I’ll bet that seems like an obvious question, but how often have you articulated the things that resonate within your soul? When was the last time you thought about what is really important to you?

Do more than just think about the answer to this question. Write down the question and then write down your answers. Writing it down forces you to really think about it and commit to it. Seeing what you have written makes the invisible visible. It makes the idea real and tangible. You don’t have to write paragraphs. Just a few words will do. What really matters to you?

Now that you have clarified what is important to you, it’s time to move on.

What do I want to accomplish by the end of this year?  A satisfied life doesn’t just happen. In order to be fulfilled, you need to know that you have done what you want to do, what you were designed to do. So, what is it that you really want to do? Your strongest longings are likely the very things that God designed you for. Don’t be afraid to admit the truth. You may have some big, scary desires. Things that you know will do more than challenge you. They’ll turn your world upside down!

If I have a thought that just won’t go away, I’ve learned to pay attention to it. Very often, that is God’s way of speaking to me and turning my attention toward something that He wants me to do. That thought might be just hanging in the background, patiently waiting for me to call it out, but it’s there and doesn’t go away.

I’ll bet you have some thoughts like that, too. What would happen if you called them out and spent some time with them? What might this year look like if you started to turn even one of those thoughts into a goal for the year? I hope you are getting excited about the possibilities!

What will I regret not doing? I have found this to be such a clarifying question. It has helped me to recognize the things that I really want and need to do.

Years ago I was trying to decide whether I should attend an event. I’ll tell you what it was: Calling hours for someone who had been really important in my life when I was a teenager but I had not been in contact with for years. I was unsure of whether I should go when a friend asked me, “Will you regret it if you don’t?” That sealed the deal. I went. I knew I would regret it if I didn’t. What will you regret not doing?

Those longings in the background could stay in the background. Life could just go on as it is.  But which one would you regret not even trying? That’s the one to begin considering. What steps could you take toward that one desire that won’t go away?

Who do I want to become?  That is really the big question. The most important question. Everything you do or accomplish needs to line up with that. In the long run, a fulfilling and satisfying life doesn’t come from accomplishments. It comes from being the person you were designed to be. As a follower of Jesus, your highest goal is Christ-like character.

What are some character qualities you would like to work on? What is one weakness you would like to strengthen by the end of this year? God built you with weaknesses so that you would have to rely on Him. Which weakness in your life might help you grow in reliance on God as you work toward strengthening it? What might this year look like if you made that an area of focus? How might your relationship with God and with others improve if you began to focus on strengthening that with Jesus? Imagine how you might be changed by this time next year. How awesome would that be?! Who do you want to become?

 A fulfilling and satisfying life starts with knowing what you want. Dear Friend, you are worth the time it takes to reflect on and clarify your desires. What is important to you? What do you want to accomplish? What will you regret not doing? Who do you want to become?

Your answers will guide you in setting a course for the year ahead. What do you want to write on this blank page?

 Key Question: Who do you want to do with this year?

A Scripture to Consider: 'Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12

A YES Challenge: Prayerfully consider the kind of person you want to become. What is one thing you can focus on this year to help you become that person?   

Prayer: Lord, help me to remember that this year is full of possibility. Help me to focus on the things that are most meaningful. Help me to recognize the desires You have put in my heart and to move toward accomplishing those things for Your honor and glory. I want to be the person You designed me to be. Amen.