The YES Adventure

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Altitude Shift

“You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I live in a valley area. I don’t  have to go far to find a high place where I can look out across the surrounding region. The beauty of the view is awe-inspiring and, from that perspective, I see the community I live in from a different point of view. Many of the imperfections are hidden from that height. I can see way beyond my little rural city (I didn’t even know that was a thing until I lived here!) and, except for some roads and a river,  most of what I can see involves the tops of trees!  I can breathe in a new outlook on whatever is going on in my life from that vista. Then, heading back down into normal life takes on a whole different atmosphere. I bring some of the upper air with me and I breathe differently back among the building ands vehicles. I carry some of that peaceful perspective into whatever comes next.  

It’s amazing how a shift in altitude can shift my attitude. And God knows my attitude often needs shifting! What about you? With all that is happening around you right now — your family issues, our national challenges, a global pandemic that has yet to come to an end —  what’s your attitude? What is guiding your responses? Could you use an altitude perspective that shifts your attitude?

Here’s a jolt: “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” What?! The same attitude as Jesus! That’s what the apostle Paul told his friends in Philippi. What is Paul saying? Let’s take a few minutes to investigate that little loaded sentence. 

Must - ought to, should (expressing necessity) , obliged to;  Obliged: legally or morally bound to a course of action 

As believers we are obliged to walk in the way of Christ’s example. That's what followers do! You and I have a responsibility as disciples of Christ (Yep! That’s who we are!) to demonstrate who He is to the world around us. We are morally bound because of our declaration of faith to imitate the behavior of our Master. As those who are obligated, we don’t have the option of going our own way, of following the example of the culture. It is necessary that we set Christ at the forefront of our minds as the model for our behavior and for our thinking. Paul is saying that, as believers, we should think as Christ thought in regard to the world around us. He came to serve and to save, right? If that was Hs motivation, then we are bound to that course of action as well. Our motivation should be to serve those in our circle of influence and to guide them toward a saving relationship with Jesus. That is our purpose for being in the world. Are you breathing in some of the fresh air at that higher altitude?

The same - identical, exactly similar, matching;

For ten years I worked in the library of a public middle school. In those ten years I got to know at least a half dozen sets of identical twins, several sets of fraternal twins and even a couple sets of triplets! I didn’t know there were so many multiple births in the world!  Of those multiples, there are two sets of identical boys that come to mind. Why? Both sets were impish and creative and almost impossible to tell apart. They looked identical, but, more than that, they had the same way of thinking and enjoyed designing disruptions. They were exactly the kinds of twins who would switch places just for fun because people couldn’t tell them apart easily. Not only did they look the same, they thought the same. They had the same attitude and that is what made it most difficult to distinguish their differences. 

Paul’s words say that your attitude and mine should exactly match the attitude of Christ. (Uh oh!) Our point of view should be identical to His. It should be difficult to distinguish where my thinking ends and His begins. That’s way higher than my everyday altitude! What about you? Still, I am working toward making it my goal that when people interact with me they might get a glimpse of Jesus. I want my way of thinking to be exactly similar to Him so that they can’t distinguish the difference between His thinking and mine. That is a challenge, no doubt about it. But a climb worth taking!

Attitude - point of view, position, way of thinking, way of feeling

What was Jesus’ way of thinking? You could sum it up in a word: Unselfish. His way of thinking was God’s will above all. How many people do you know who have that attitude? Are you thinking? Can you come up with anyone? Nope, me neither. If His point of view wasn’t unique, no one would have paid attention to Him at the time that He walked the earth and we wouldn’t still be paying attention to Him now. It was His unparalleled point of view that caught the attention of all, the poor, needy and broken as well as the proud and the priests. 

What was Jesus’ way of feeling? Love. Love filled Him up and overflowed to every person He had contact with. His love for God motivated Him to obey all the Father was asking of Him and His love for people motivated Him to sacrifice Himself for them — for us. HIs feeling of love propelled His commitment to act in love. A feeling means nothing unless it inspires action. Jesus had a way of feeling that permeated every action, every word and every step all the way to Calvary’s hill and His final breath. 

What way of feeling motivates me? What motivates you? Is it the same attitude as Christ? I know I could use a little altitude here. If I want love to be my way of feeling and the motivation for my every step and breath, then I can say that I am just not capable of that kind of altitudinal shift in attitude. I need more than my own decisions and drive to make that my motivation. I need what only God can do in me if I want to view life from that height. Lord, I need Your help to really love others! I need You to take me higher than I can go on my own!

It is very easy for you and I to get caught up in the daily depths. You know what I mean. The details and distractions that keep our perspective pinned at lower levels. I know that I am often in need of an altitude shift of my attitude. I need to climb up to where Jesus is so that I can gain His vantage point on what I am seeing. It takes a bit of effort to stop where I am and lift my attention to a higher level, but when I take the time to be with Jesus, I get a different outlook. I breathe in the fresh air of HIs Spirit and, suddenly, I see things from a varied vista. You know, the view from up there is really spectacular. I should go there more often. What do you think? Want to come with me?

Key thought: Christ is the ultimate example of living for what matters. 

A Scripture to consider: “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge: Set a timer for two minutes and make your goal to just sit in God’s presence. After the two minutes, ask God to reveal to you your own attitude. Ask Him where you need to adjust your attitude to match the attitude of Jesus. Repent if necessary. Take as long as you need. Then set your timer for two minutes again and sit in God’s presence. Soak in His forgiveness and love. 

Prayer:  Dear Father, my attitude is often so much lower than the attitude of Christ. His unselfish love challenges me every day. I can’t love people the way He did without the empowering of Your Holy Spirit. Fill me and lift my way of thinking. Help me to have the identical, unselfish, uncompromising attitude of Christ. Amen.