The YES Adventure

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Confessions Of An Invisible Woman

You work hard. You take care of your family. You help your friends. You serve at church. You do your best at your job. But it is rare that anyone says “thank you”. Others get recognized and advanced. Your coworker gets the promotion. The house already looks like a tornado blew through and you just finished cleaning an hour ago. The laundry hamper is full as soon as you finish folding the load you just washed. The dishes in the sink seem to multiply as soon as you wash them. You find yourself frustrated and empty. “What’s the point? Why am I doing this?” you wonder. “No one sees what I do. No one cares. No one appreciates me or my hard I work. I am the invisible woman. If I disappeared no one would miss me.” If that describes you, my friend,  please know I have been there. I really do understand how you feel.

But, Dear One, you are so wrong. There is Someone who sees and cares. You are not invisible. He sees you. He knows you. He loves you. He cares.

Very early in my Christian walk I discovered a verse of Scripture that has informed and motivated all my work since. Before I could even identify and articulate the new life inside of me, I came upon a verse of Scripture that jumped off the page. I felt compelled to memorize it and I had not yet learned that memorization is part of a growing devotional life. I wrote it on an index card and posted it in my rented room on Oak Street in Geneseo, NY. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”(‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭NIV) “It is the Lord you are serving.” This made so much sense to me and spoke to my desire for excellence. Well, let’s be honest, at that stage of my life the desire was perfection. God had yet to deal with me on that. But that verse inspired me and gave me a motivation that wasn’t dependent on other people. It reminded me that God saw every effort and, one day, I would receive a reward from Him. That was the first verse that became a part of me and influenced my perspective on life and work in all its forms.

When I was a young stay-at-home mom‬‬, with constant tasks and few rewards, that verse encouraged me to keep going.  It reminded me who I was doing it for. Oh, there were those days. You know the ones I mean. The pity-party days. The invisible-woman days. The crying-in-my-tea days. But on those days as I poured out my complaints to the Lord (Psalm 142) His gentle voice would remind me, “Who are you doing it for?” He saw me, He understood and He would reward me.

When I was studying for ministry credentials I often struggled with the mere fact of it. “Really? Me? Are you sure, God?” Even in all the questioning I still felt a sense of calling. I knew that I knew that I was studying because God wanted me to do this. I was reminded that this journey wasn’t about the people around me. It was a God-appointed road regardless of how anyone, including me, felt about it.

Every position I have ever held has been influenced by Colossians 3:23-24. Whether it was a volunteer position at church or a paid position as a free-lance curriculum writer or library aide at Haviland Middle School in Hyde Park, New York. When I was unexpectedly offered my first position as a pastor, it served to keep me grounded as I undertook my new responsibilities and has kept me grounded since.

Is every moment filled with an awareness that I am working for God? No, but it is a deeply rooted concept in my heart. So, when I get distracted by the lack of others’ appreciation, and I still do, that verse buried deep within my heart comes to the surface and the Lord gently reminds me who I am working for. “I have hidden Your word in my heart...” (Psalm 119:11 ) “It is the Lord you are serving.”

This is a motivation that doesn’t fade. We work for heavenly rewards. We work for eternity. Dear friend, God sees every quiet act of obedience. He stores your tears in a bottle. He understands the cost. Nothing will be wasted. Don’t give up, but keep your ultimate goal in mind: To please the Lord. He is the One you are serving. He is your ultimate destination. He is what makes this life worthwhile. Where are you and I without Him?

In your pity-party, invisible-woman, crying-in-your-tea moments remember that Someone sees and values every effort. It is true that the people around you may not appreciate all you do, but you are not unappreciated. They may not see all your work, but you are not invisible. You are seen and appreciated by the One who will reward You with an inheritance in His Kingdom. Isn’t that a worthwhile motivation? A higher motivation than your own pleasure or pleasing someone else.

You are never alone. You are noticed. Your efforts are valued. So, set your mind on things above. (Colossians 3:2) Set your goal higher than your own satisfaction and fulfillment. Set your sights beyond the approval and approbation of others. Reach for the highest goal: God and His pleasure. He is a Master worth giving all for because He treasures every act of loving obedience.

Key thought: God sees and appreciates you.

A Scripture to consider: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 NIV

A YES challenge: Take some time to pour out your complaints to the Lord. Then, take your journal or a sheet of paper and write out every task that you feel is unseen and unappreciated by those around you. Present that list to the Lord and thank Him for seeing every effort. Commit to Him that you will do these tasks for Him and trust Him to reward you rather than looking for the appreciation of others.

Prayer: Lord, help me remember that You see every act of service I do. You recognize my hard work for the people in my life, my family, my church, my employer. Help me to focus on pleasing You with my efforts. Help me to remember that You are the One I am serving. Thank You for appreciating me, for seeing me, for loving me. I am overwhelmed with gratefulness! Amen.