The YES Adventure

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Does God Really Want To Use Me?

Have you ever been so afraid of making the wrong decision that you do nothing? That was my modus operandi for years.

One time as a teenager I had the opportunity to go to a conference on leading music in church. At the time I was a member of a music team at a denominational church and was being groomed to become the leader. Yes, I WAS a teenager. The thought of stepping into a leadership position was paralyzing. I had trouble making even small decisions. How was I going to be a leader?

I had never been to anything like that conference before, so the whole experience was new and a bit overwhelming. The conference included lunch in the college cafeteria where the event was being held. We could choose anything and it was okay. Hot lunch, cold sandwiches, salads, fruit, desserts. Whatever I wanted. As much as I wanted. For some people that may sound like heaven but, I was overwhelmed. Too many choices became a fear of making the wrong choice. I wandered through the aisles longer than anyone else on our team and finally sat down with two things on my tray. I don’t even remember what they were. Whatever they were, I couldn’t enjoy ithem. Did I make the right choice? What if I missed something better?

Fear of making a wrong decision clouded my ability simply to choose lunch! How was I ever going to become a leader?  Imagine how that fear transferred over to making more important decisions. Even though I still default to that position at times, I have become much better at making decisions, How?  I want God to use me and I have learned to keep moving forward even when I am unsure of what the next step should be. Fear is our attempt to manage outcomes. By not choosing, we are still managing the outcome, trying to control what happens. Fear tries to control. Faith trusts that God is is control. I have learned to trust that even if I make a wrong decision God will guide me to the right one.

God wants to use ordinary people like you and me to accomplish His extraordinary purposes. The question is not "Does God want to use me?" The question is "Am I willing for God to use me?" So, what does an ordinary person do to show that they are willing to be used by God? How can I be sure that I am making the right choices? How can we move forward in God’s purposes for our lives?

First, you have to be willing for God to use you. When I am willing for God to use me I overcome fear by believing the promise of His presence.Think about young Mary when the angel Gavbriel appeared to her. She was frightened, but he told her that the Lord was with her and she had found favor with God. (Luke 1:28-31 ) God presence was the remedy for her fear. It’s the remedy for your fear as well. When you and I really believe that God is with us, that He is guiding us, that He is in control, then our fear diminishes. We are aware of His guidance and encouragement and we can face the questions ahead.

When I am willing for God to use me, then I choose to trust Him with my questions. Mary asked some questions about how this was all going to happen. She accepted the angel’s announcement that she would bear the Messiah, but she was trying to figure out how it was all going to work. It didn’t make natural sense. She knew who she was. She knew her current limitations. She didn’t stop believing what Gabriel said, she just asked how. She accepted his answer, “The Holy Spirit will ... overshadow you.” (Luke 1:35) Well, that explains everything, right? If I were Mary. I would be thinking, “That doesn’t explain anything!” Yet, Mary accepted it. Even though the details didnt become any more clear, she chose to trust that God would do what He said He would do regardless of her questions of how He was going to do it. You and I can do the same.

When I am willing for God to use me I allow God to change my plans. Let’s keep thinking about Mary. She was an ordinary Jewish girl following an ordinary Jewish betrothal plan. The introduction of an unplanned, miraculous pregnancy totally upset her normal life. Her plans of setting up a home with Joseph the way all her friends and family before her had done with their betrothed suddenly went out the window. There was no pattern to follow. No way to know what would happen next. No way to imagine the future. She simply had to trust that God knew what He was doing and would make it all happen as He chose. You have been there, and so have I, those moments when God throws a monkey wrench into your plans. Mary shows us what to do: Say YES, take the next right step and let Him work it out as you go forward.  “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

When ordinary people accept whatever God says they have the opportunity to participate in His purposes. Mary has been a life example for me of what happens when we say YES to God. Her response to an announcement that scared her and presented her wth lots of opportunities to make wrong choices was to believe God’s promise that He would be with her, that He really wanted to use her, to trust Him with her questions, to allow Him to change her plans and work out His plans. When I approach decision-making from that perspective, I am able to choose with confidence and trust God for the results.

What about you? Are you willing to be used by God? You, my friend, have the opportunity to participate in God’s purposes. The right choice is always YES first. You can trust Him to help you with all the other choices after that. Let Him fill your tray with a feast of satisfaction, the fullness of His presence. Bon Appetit!

Key thought: The right choice is to say YES to God.

A Scripture to consider: “And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’" ‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:38‬ ‭ESV‬‬

A YES challenge:What choices are you struggling over right now? How can you say YES to God and trust Him with the choices that come after?

Prayer:Lord, I don’t want fear of making a wrong decision to keep me from saying YES to You. Help me to choose You first and to trust You to guide me through everything else. My heart is yours. Amen.