The YES Adventure

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Go Further With Friends

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. John 15:16-17 NIV

 Who are your closest friends? Have you ever thought about how those friends influence you? Well, they do! I have some friends who motivate me and keep me on track just by being their wonderful selves. Their forward progress inspires me to keep going and keep reaching for the goals that I believe God wants me to achieve. My friends help me go further.

Whether you recognize it or not, your friends help you go further, too. How do friendships help you achieve your goals?

 Friends keep you accountable. We all veer off course from time to time. It’s a fact. We need people who can see what we don’t see to help us get back on track. Friends help us do that. Sometimes they help us do that by calling us out when they see us drifting. But most often, our friends help us stay on track by reminding us of what is important. Just their presence in our lives and the time we spend together reminds us of what we want and what is important to us. That helps us stay on track. Want to accomplish those goals? Schedule regular times with your friends!

 Friends make life more fun! Fun is important! Some of us are more wired to keep life fun. I am not one of those. I tend toward serious and that is okay for a time. But I have some friends who are all about fun. I need those fun moments. The fun times lighten up the heavy times. Proverbs 17: 22 says, “A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing” (AMP). I need the regular medicine of a happy heart and a joyful mind. What about you?  

When something is fun, you want to keep doing it! When life is fun, we find the motivation to do the things that inspire us. A happy heart and a joyful mind are necessary to help us stay on track toward our goals. Make room for fun with your friends if you want to accomplish your goals!

 Jesus set the example of including His friends in accomplishing His goals.  Jesus called His disciples friends. He chose them and appointed them to continue His mission. He imparted His goal to them and commissioned them to “go and bear fruit”. His love for them motivated Him to continue His mission. He wanted their love for each other to inspire them to continue it.

Your love for your friends will motivate you more than you realize. When you love someone, you want to please them and to do what is best for them. When you have God-sized goals, you know that they will benefit your friends as well. What are some ways to include them in your journey? Including them will motivate you to keep going. In the end, taking this journey with friends is really all that matters.

 Dear Friend…I call you that on purpose. You are a part of my journey. I keep you in mind as I work toward accomplishing my goals. In the end, that is really all that matters. I want what I do to inspire you to keep moving forward and to pursue all that Jesus has for you wholeheartedly. You motivate me and keep me on track. Thank you. Let’s do this together!


 Key Question: How do friends help you achieve your goals?

A Scripture to Consider: You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. John 15:16-17 NIV

A YES Challenge: Which of your friends inspires you the most? Reach out to that friend today and set up a time to spend together, virtually or in person.  

Prayer: Father, I have often minimized the importance of friendships in my life. Thank You for the relationships You have given me. Thank You for the friends who hold me accountable just by being in my life. Help me to be more intentional about staying connected with my friends so that I can be and do all that You have for me. Amen.