The YES Adventure

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He's In There!

In the beginning the Word already existed.The Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 

My favorite person to spend time with is my husband, Tom. I would rather be sitting with him doing nothing than doing anything else in the world. Being with Tom is my safe place. In our 33 years of marriage he has grown into someone who has helped me to be more secure and confident. He has challenged me and encouraged me to pursue God and helped me to become more like my best self in that process. He's my favorite person. 

You have a favorite person, too, right? I'll be you could say some of the same things about your favorite person. Our favorite people make us feel like our best self, the person we want to be. 

What if you thought of God as your favorite person? Really! I want to challenge and encourage you to spend time with God in His Word. Notice I did not say that I want to challenge and encourage you to read the Bible more. Just reading the Bible doesn't do much for building a relationship with God. There is value in simply reading, but it isn't enough. God wants to meet with you in the words on the page. He is in there as you read. He is! Are you looking for Him?

It is in the Word of God that I get to know God as my favorite person. For the past several years I have used different reading plans to help me read through the entire Bible and in getting the big picture of the Word, I have gotten a bigger picture of God. I watch how He reacts to situations. I learn what is important to Him and what is not. In the Word I see His love and generosity. I get a glimpse of how He sees me. I realize that He sees my best self, even though He also sees every flaw and failure. He sees me fulfilling all that I was created for, even though sometimes I am falling forward. When I see myself through His eyes, I gain the confidence and stability I need to move forward. It is through seeing God in the Bible's pages that I have come to understand that, to God, all that really matters is the Gospel and His desire to restore people to Himself. Understanding that perspective helps me to adjust my own attitude as I face all of my life's challenges. All this from being in the Word of God. He really is in there!

The Word is my anchor in changing and unstable times. The times we are in now are certainly uncertain. We are in a global trial and none of us has any idea how this is going to play out. We need a firm foundation. We need a Rock to stand on. We need a hope that gives an anchor for our souls (Hebrews 6:19). The Word of God does not change because God Himself does not change. The Word leads you and me to God because the Word IS God. The Bible is not just words on a page. It is LIFE. If you have come to the conclusion that you need more of God in your life, then you need more of His Word because His word is God. He is in there!

The Word of God is supreme. Even the best person is fallible. My husband is my favorite preacher, but I live with him and I know and understand that he is fallible. Every famous preacher is fallible and imperfect. Their families know it, even though you and I might not see it! All preachers and preaching, all prophets and prophecy are subject to the authority of the written Word. Prophecy does not replace the Word of God. Prophets are not infallible. Preachers are not infallible. The Word of God is infallible. Why is the Word infallible? Because the Word IS God. He is in there. 

Here's the thing that you and I really need to get a hold of. Reading the Bible is not just something we need to do because we are believers. It isn't something to just check off the list of tasks to be accomplished in the day. Reading the Bible is the way that you and I get to meet with God Himself, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, the King Above All Kings! He wants to speak with you and with me as we spend time reading the Bible. He is present in the pages. He is in there! If you want to know and understand God better, start by being in the Word of God regularly. Even if you don't understand every word. Even if you end up with more questions than answers. He is in there! And as you take time in the Word you will find yourself knowing and understanding Him better. Isn't that the goal anyway?

Spend some time with your favorite Person. Blow the dust off that Book! Set a reminder on your phone! Whatever it is that you need to do to get yourself into the Word of God. DO IT! HE IS IN THERE!

Key thought: To love the Word of God is to love God Himself. 

A Scripture to considerIn the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 NLT

A YES challenge:  Take a hard look at your own time in the Scriptures. Do yo avoid it because reading turns you off?  If you do spend regular time in the Word, why do you do it? Is it to be with God or to check it off your list? Commit to time in the Scriptures on a daily basis as a way to meet with God. As you read, keep a notebook nearby to write down your thoughts or what you believe God is speaking to you. Think of your time in the Word as a dialogue rather than words on the page. 

Prayer: Lord, I really want to approach the Bible as a way to know You, but I find myself drifting into a routine of just checking it off my list. Help me to remember every time I am in Your Word that You are in there! Help me to look for and listen for You as I read the Scriptures. I want to know You! Amen.