The YES Adventure

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How to Hear God’s Voice Through the “Holy Highlighter”

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” John 16:13 NIV

 If you are struggling to discern what God is speaking to you, start by believing that He is. Our God is a God who speaks! He spoke creation into being. He spoke through Jesus Christ. He continues to speak through His Word and His Spirit. He speaks to all, and He speaks to individuals. He is speaking to you. Are you hearing Him?

 You want to be someone who says YES to God because you want to be and do all that He designed you for. So, you are seeking to hear His voice. You remember that the larger mission of salvation is at the heart of all that He speaks. You notice the thoughts that don't go away and you are reading His word for illustrations and instructions regarding how He wants His people to live, but you are also trying to discern what He may be speaking to you specifically.  How do I recognize when God is speaking directly to me through His Word?

 One way to recognize His voice is through what someone has called the "holy highlighter." As you are reading, one verse catches your attention more than the others in the paragraph. It's as if God has pulled out a highlighter and said "Here! Make sure you pay attention to this verse!"

If a verse jumps off the page as you read, ask God to make clear what He might be saying to you and what He wants you to do with it. That verse may carry you through many years ahead!

 The “holy highlighter” was the first introduction to a verse that has been an encouragement to me for decades. In 2005, my two older kids were preparing to go on a mission trip to Slovakia. I was nervous. Not about their safety as much as how they might behave. Don't get me wrong. My kids were good kids, but honestly, no kids are perfectly mature, and I was concerned that their lack of maturity would show. Really? I guess I had unrealistic expectations for them, but God understood me, and I prayed over the situation constantly.

As I was doing my regular Bible reading one day, I saw the "holy highlighter" on this verse. "All your children will be taught by the Lord and they will enjoy great peace." (Isaiah 54:13) It was as if God was saying to me, "Don't worry. I've got this."

In that moment, I knew that He wasn't just speaking to me about the trip. He was encouraging me not to worry about my kids. He would take care of them and teach them His ways. God understood that my real concern for them was that they would know Him and honor Him. He used that trip and that verse to let me know that His concern for them is the same as mine and He will teach them all they need to make that happen. 

I’ve returned to that verse many times over the years. There are times I can clearly see God at work in my kids and there are other times I need to remind myself of that verse as a promise. That “holy highlighter” moment when God spoke, “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

What concerns you at this moment? What questions do you have for God? Ask Him to speak to you through His Word. Position yourself to hear from God. Expect Him to speak to you through His living Word. You may be surprised at what the “holy highlighter” reveals to you! 


Key Question: How might God be speaking directly to you through His Word?

A Scripture to Consider: 'But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. ' John 16:13 NIV

A YES challenge: What might it look like for you to approach your regular Bible reading expecting God to speak to you? Begin your reading time with prayer and look for God's "holy highlighter." Make notes of the verses that God reveals to you so that you can prayerfully consider them later.

Prayer:  Father God, help me to recognize Your voice as I read Your Word. Holy Spirit, guide me into the truth God has spoken to all of humanity through the Word and help me discern what I need to apply in my life today. Help me to recognize Your voice speaking directly to me. Lord, help me to honor You by obeying Your Word. Amen.