The YES Adventure

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How to Hear God Through The Voice of the Holy Spirit

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me." John 16:13-14 NLT

When God speaks, I want to listen. But how do I recognize the Holy Spirit speaking to me? What about you? How do you recognize His voice? There is one thing I am confident of. Whether or not I recognize His voice, He is speaking. He is speaking through the voice of the Holy Spirit.

 The Holy Spirit superintended the writing of God's Word and holds the "holy highlighter", but He is also the still, small voice that speaks the thoughts that won't go away. He whispers ideas and reminds us of what God's Word says. When I am in God’s Word regularly I give the Holy Spirit something to work with when He wants to speak to me. But how does that work and how do I know? It takes practice to know the difference between the Holy Spirit and my own thoughts and emotions. Not one of us is going to get it right every time. Only Jesus had 100% accuracy. Then how can we be sure?

 First, be aware of the Word coming to your mind as you go about your day. Often the Holy Spirit will remind us of the Scriptures we have read or studied when we need them most. The Holy Spirit might speak through our pastor's voice in our heads as we recall something from a recent message that applies to our current situation. Or you may notice the same Bible verse showing up several times in different places over a short period of time. Pay attention to those kinds of things, and if it isn't crystal clear what God might be saying through that verse then ask God to show you. It is the Holy Spirit's job to enlighten you and me and make God's Word clear. The Holy Spirit is resourceful. He will use whatever we have put into ourselves to help us grow spiritually. 

Then, evaluate your circumstances. Are supporting what you believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to you? There are times when what we think God may be saying to us doesn't seem to make sense. That's when we need to assess it from more than one angle. If it doesn't make sense, but I see it in His Word and it's come up several times in different ways, do circumstances seem to be pointing in that direction? If circumstances seem to line up with the other indicators, then there is another test: Do those I trust agree that this is God’s direction?

 “Do those I trust agree that this is God’s direction?” That is a tough one. It can be hard to ask others what they think about what you believe God may be saying to you. There is always a chance that they will disagree or point you in a different direction, but that is all the more reason why it helps to run it by someone else. Remember, emotions can sometimes masquerade as the Holy Spirit and emotions can cloud our ability to hear God clearly. In situations where emotions run high, we need the benefit of clear and impartial spiritual input from people we trust.  

 I was once offered a prestigious volunteer opportunity that I really wanted to take. I felt good about being asked and I knew that it would be a place of positive influence in an area that I am passionate about. But when I asked my husband, he was concerned about the amount of time it would take and the stress it would put on me. Since it was an area of ministry outside the church and I was serving as a pastor, he suggested that he would be okay with it if our lead pastor would allow me to use church time to work on this volunteer position. While I waited for an answer from my pastor, I found myself in a counseling situation where I was encouraging someone else not to overload their schedule and realized that the Holy Spirit was nudging me with the words I was speaking. He also reminded me that earlier that morning our staff devotion was along similar lines, and — oh by the way — so had some of my recent personal devotions. By the time I heard that my pastor had no problem with me taking the position but considered it outside my work responsibilities, it was merely a confirmation of what I knew God was saying...but I really wanted to do it!

 I turned the position down and shortly after that, our lives began to take a major shift. I was so grateful that I had obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit and passed on that position. There was no way that I could have maintained it with all that was happening in our lives. God knew in advance what I did not. 

 And that is true for you, too, my friend. God knows in advance what you need to know and will go to great lengths to make sure that you can hear His voice. He wants to speak to you. He wants you to know Him and His will. He wants you to be and do all that He designed you for. Most of all He just wants you to know that He loves you. When He makes Himself as clear in your life as He did with that volunteer position for me it is like He is sending you a Valentine with the words "I LOVE YOU!" emblazoned on the front. 


Key Question: How might the Holy Spirit be speaking to you today?

 A Scripture to Consider:  "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me." John 16:13-14 NLT

 A YES Challenge: What might the Holy Spirit be speaking to you? Ask a trusted spiritual confidant for their feedback.

 Prayer: Lord, help me to really believe that You want to speak to me. Make me more aware of the ways that You already are speaking to me and help me to recognize the confirmations. Give me the courage to ask those whom I trust for advice. Use them to make Your will clear to me, even if it contradicts what I really want to do. What I want most is to know You better, to fulfill divine potential, and to receive Your love for me. Amen.