The YES Adventure

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How to Know What to Do and What Not to Do

'Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12

 Imagine an 8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper filled with words, adjectives that describe values. You read through the list, passing by several words, and then it’s as if a spotlight shines on the next word. Your heart leaps. You circle that word and continue going through the list, but your eyes keep returning to that spotlighted word. Then suddenly another spotlight shines on another word. Yes, your heart agrees with that one, too. You circle it and then continue recognizing other words that spark inside you. You circle ten or so words that resonate with your heart.

Your next challenge: Choose the top four words that describe your values. What is really important to you? Once you’ve made your choices, how do you feel? I’ll bet there is a smile on your face. I’ll bet you have some clarity. You better understand your values. Here’s the question: Are you living according to those values?

How often do you contemplate what is truly important to you? What really matters? Do you know how you will answer if someone asked you that question?

If you want to have a fulfilling and satisfying life – one where you don’t feel constantly pulled in a hundred directions and unable to keep your head above water – the key is to live your values. When you know what is important to you, then you know what to say yes to and what to say no to. When you know what is important to you, you know what to let go of emotionally. You may not be able to avoid the task or the responsibility, but you know how to approach it. You can let it go with peace.

That’s a hard thing, isn’t it? We feel so invested in how people respond to us that we have a hard time letting go of things emotionally. If you have clarified and articulated your values and know what really matters to you, then you have a clearer perspective on the challenges that face you. You’ll have a clearer sense of where you need to put the energy of your yes.

What really matters? What are your values? What should you say yes to?

Say yes to the things that excite you. Those words that ignite a spark inside you point to the core of what motivates you. God made you on purpose for a purpose. He allows those sparks to ignite the engine of your being to propel you toward that purpose. If you have been ignoring the sparks, you are missing the light that He has for you.

There are things that you and I have to do whether we want to or not, but what if you got to spend more time doing things you really want to do? What if you focused your attention on where the sparks are? What if you allowed yourself to say yes to those things? What would your life look like?

Part of living your values is to say yes to what excites you and propels you toward your purpose.

Say yes to the things that energize you. Excitement motivates, but energy sustains. Excitement propels you, but energy allows you to persevere. When you say yes to the things that energize you, you will find yourself with more drive to keep going when things are difficult. The energy from saying yes to things that line up with your values will enable you to keep going through the things in your life that are necessary but drain you.

What drains your energy? That may be a necessary task, but if you are saying yes to the things that energize you, that responsibility won’t feel as daunting. You need balance. To balance your energy find the things that fill you up so that you can persevere through the things that drain.

 Say no to the things that pull you away from your purpose.  Saying an appropriate yes and an appropriate no is a skill that few of us have fully mastered. But if you want to fulfill the purpose you were designed for, it is a skill you must develop. Knowing your values and living according to those values steers you toward that purpose. Once you have a clearer sense of what is important you will have a clearer sense of what to say yes to, but if you don’t start saying no to those things that drag you in a different direction you won’t make significant progress toward fulfilling your divine potential. What you say no to is just as important as what you say yes to when it comes to fulfilling your purpose.

How well have you mastered the skill of an appropriate yes or no?

Dear Friend, if you want to know what to say yes to and what to say no to you must take the time to understand what you value. When your values line up with God’s values and your actions line up with those values you will be on track towards your purpose. And then, my friend, you will be moving toward a rich and satisfying life that fulfills divine potential.

When will you take the time to contemplate and clarify your values?


Key Question: Am I living according to what I value?

A Scripture to Consider: 'Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12

A YES Challenge: Set aside time to contemplate your values. Consider writing down ten words that describe values that are important to you. Then choose your top four. What have you learned about yourself?   

Prayer: Father, You created me with a unique perspective on the world. I sometimes forget that. Help me to clarify the values that are part of my core. Help me to line up my values with Yours. Help me to understand what is important to me and live according to those values. When I do that, I will be living an authentic life. I will be living closer to the plans and purposes You have for me. I will know what to say yes to and what to say no to. Amen.