The YES Adventure

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Know Who You Are Because of Whose You Are

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12 NIV

The YES journey is the grand adventure of life with God. We often think of our life with God as what we do FOR God, our devotional activity, our acts of service. But what God really wants us to understand is that our life WITH Him isn't really about those things. What it IS about is knowing and living in our identity in Christ. God wants you and me to be defined by our relationship with Him rather than all the other things that we look toward to tell us who we are.

How do you find out who you are? What criteria do you use? Is it what other people say or have said about you? Is it public acclamation or your accomplishments? Is it the opportunities that you may have received or not received? Perhaps you define yourself by your good behavior or religious activity. I can say that was my story. Yet, none of those things are what God uses to define us. Ephesians 1: 11 in The Message translation of the Bible says that "It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for." As you consider what defines you ask yourself if that is the measure you are using. Are you finding out who you are in Christ?

In my early years, what defined me was my family experience. I learned that being a "good girl" brought positive feedback from my parents and teachers so that became my unconscious strategy for life. Underneath the good behavior was insecurity; a belief that I was second choice, a consolation prize; that my good behavior is what made me worthy of existence. At the core, I believed I was less than, not good enough; accepted, but not dearly loved. That began to change for me while I was leading a women's small group.

As I led the group through the chosen material, I discovered a verse that I knew God wanted to become an identity statement for me and a message for me to share. More accurately, it’s only part of a verse, but it defines who you and I are if we have said YES to God though Christ. "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved..." Colossians 3:12 goes on to explain how we should behave because we are God’s, but just pause, stop and think about that identity statement. Our identity. My identity. Your identity. You are chosen, holy and dearly loved.

God chose you, He intentionally called you His. You aren't simply a tag-along. You are holy, set apart for His divine purpose. And you are dearly loved, not second choice, but a cherished child. Is that how you define you? I am still working that through the fabric of my belief system, but I know that, regardless of how I might feel on any given day, that is the truth of who I am.



Dearly loved.

It's the truth of who you are, too. It really is.

Key thought: I am who God says I am.

A Scripture to consider: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12 NIV

A YES Challenge: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what you use to define you and ask Him to help you build your identity in Christ.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for letting others define who I am. I am who you say I am. Help me to focus on the truth of Your word. Help me to find my identity in You. Amen.