The YES Adventure

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Making The Invisible Visible

'The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians 1:15

For a few seconds I found myself in total darkness. There I was at the sink washing the dinner dishes when the power flickered off. Not long, but long enough that the darkness was palpable. My shocked spirit started to head toward fearful, but didn’t have time before the power was, just as suddenly, back on. In those brief moments I could see absolutely nothing.

What is your first thought when the power flickers? Well, my first thought was to make sure that all the flashlights in the house had good batteries! I didn’t want to get stuck in blackness with no light source. I didn’t want to find myself taking tentative steps toward obstacles I couldn’t see. Even the smallest beam would make the invisible visible.

There are times in our lives, or even in world events, when it seems like we are suddenly plunged into blackness. Whatever light of hope there is seems to flicker and the way ahead becomes total darkness. Every path that leads out of the black seems obscured, invisible.

We struggle when we can’t see the way ahead, don’t we? Like those few seconds of panic standing at the sink, when darkness suddenly seems to take over all we want is light. We just want the invisible way ahead to become visible. What light is there to make the invisible visible in those times? We can’t run around checking batteries, can we? Or can we?

Jesus is the light in the darkness. When times are dark make sure that your relationship with Jesus is connected and “charged.” Jesus came to earth as a tangible expression of God Himself. God knew that you and I are earthbound and need tangible to teach us the intangible. Jesus came to earth to make the invisible God visible to us. He gives a tangible example of a loving God worth following and trusting.

Jesus is the light that God sent to us to make the invisible God visible. He helps us trust God by giving us something to see. He is our light in the darkness and when the light shines in the darkness the darkness cannot overcome it. (John 1:5)

Jesus shows us the love of God through His life on earth. That love is the light that makes hope visible. All the fullness of God dwells in Him. (Colossians 2:9) He shows us the way to the Father because of His close relationship with the Father. Getting to know the invisible God becomes possible as we get to know Jesus in the pages of the Bible.

His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psalm 119:105) Jesus is the Living Word of God. (John 1:14) He embodies what is written in the Scriptures. Jesus and His Word are inseparable. When times are dark, the promises and principles of Scripture are meant to light the path before us. Scripture illuminates the invisible path forward one step at a time.

Maybe you struggle with memorizing things. My brain retains words. It’s the way I am wired. Numbers…not so much! The more I read God’s Word, the more I find it in my brain. That’s all good, but it isn’t the same as actually and intentionally working to memorize it. I’ve recently started working more purposefully on that part.

When I memorize, I not only retain the words, but the numbers that reference the location. The benefit of knowing the location reference is that when I need to find it in the Bible and share it with someone else, I quickly direct them to the exact location. I can help them to find light in their darkness.

You are the light of the world.  The truly amazing thing about dark times is that Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) Really! You and I are meant to light the way for others. In dark times we are meant to make the invisible Jesus visible to those who need Him. As we allow Him to “charge our batteries,” we shine with His light that dispels the darkness for those around us, our families, our friends our co-workers and classmates. We are meant to make the invisible God visible in our sphere of influence. What an awesome privilege and responsibility!

When I found myself in that brief moment of blackness, it motivated me to be sure that I would have light available if the power went out. When you find yourself in a time like that, when the way forward becomes black, it’s time to check your “batteries.” Is your relationship with Jesus “fully charged?” Do you have the light of God’s Word hidden in the back pocket of your heart ready to illuminate your next steps? Are you prepared to let Jesus shine through you so that you can be a light source of hope to the people around you?

Jesus illuminates the path to the Father. Like all those flashlights around my house, Jesus makes the invisible visible. He illuminates the character of God through His human example. He shows us the way and then helps us light the way for others. Are you ready to make the invisible visible?

Key Thought: When times get dark, God has given us the light we need.  

A Scripture to Consider: 'The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians 1:15

A YES Challenge: Where do things seem dark in your life right now? How can you recharge your relationship with Jesus? What Scripture can you memorize today? Who needs the light of Jesus through you?

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for coming to earth to show me what the Father is like. Thank You for lighting the way to relationship with the Him. Help me to rely on You and let Your Word light my path. Help me to be a light to those around me. I want to show them the way to hope in You. You are the daylight in my darkest night. Amen.