The YES Adventure

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New Year, New...You?

What is it about the turning of a calendar page that makes us all think that it’s time to turn over a new leaf? Gym memberships are sold. Resolutions are written. Calendars are filled with plans. “This year will be different.  This year I’ll finally...” lose that weight, finish that project, get that new job, improve that relationship, get that new...whatever. What is it about a new year that makes us believe, not only that we should change, but that we can change? A new year seems to fill us with hope that the change that didn’t happen last year can happen this year. Why are we all looking for a change? Because we really do need it.

We are all innately aware that something within us is not as it should be. You know what I mean. Even when life is at its most right, our internal sensors are looking for more. When we slow down enough to be honest with ourselves, there is a question that is always hanging in the air. A sense that something is missing. Because there is. We were created for perfection and no matter how wonderful life is at any given moment, we never achieve the perfection that will satisfy us completely. Why is that? The perfection we were made for will only take place when we live in the presence of our Creator forever with no earthly hindrances. We were created for heaven, and even the best life here will not resolve that longing. Since most of us travel through life completely unaware of this truth and, yet, are aware of the lack, we attempt a variety of ways to fix it. We make resolutions and plans to change.

But our own plans to change either fail or have limited success because they are flawed. We target the wrong areas. We focus on the externals. I might try to lose weight or be more organized or save more money and get out of debt. These are things that have been on my New Year’s goal list in the past. Maybe on yours, too. We recognize the results of wrong behaviors so we make plans to change our behavior. Our goals are activity driven. “I will do this so THAT will happen.” “I will stop doing this so THAT will happen.” There isn’t anything wrong with our behavior adaptation plans, but they miss the real point. The changes that matter most happen on the inside. It’s the internal changes that makes the difference. Those are the changes that bring us closer to God and others, which is what we are really longing for. When the inside changes, the behavior will change. When we think differently, we act differently. But how do you write a goal that addresses that? We don’t know, so we focus on what we believe we can control. Feelings, thoughts. Those are hard to understand and control. So, we skip over them. But these are exactly the changes that God wants to make in you and me.

God’s plans for our change are the ones that succeed because He targets the areas that change us most. He is the One who knows how to deal with our thoughts and feelings, our attitudes and motivations. God is the one who knows how to shape our character. The problem is that we often create our plans and write our resolutions then we ask God to bless them, right? What if we started by letting Him point out and guide us through the change journey? And it is a journey, not a destination. So, what would that look like? Those who want to help us become more productive citizens talk about goals that are specific and within your area to control. That is all well and good. We should be productive citizens and we should have specific goals. However, those goals only help us accomplish tasks. They dont really help us change. The kind of change you and I long for most will only happen as we slow down and let God guide us. So, how do we do that?

How do we let God guide us? We slow down and let Him do the talking. First, we let Him speak to us through His Word. We have to engage with His Word in order to know what is important to Him. His Word shows us the standard for character that He requires and reminds us of where the power to change comes from. Second, He guides us through change by His Spirit. No matter what situations arise in our lives, when we recognize that God allowed this to happen and wants to walk with us through it our perspectives change. Whatever happens in your life and mine we need to remember that we are not alone. God is present by His Spirit and He wants to transform our perspectives and reactions. (Romans 12:2) As we allow ourselves to be guided by the Word and the Spirit then we begin the journey of transformation that doesn’t end until we reach heaven. Then we will be all that we were created to be and we will experience the fullness of relationship with God that we were designed for. We will no longer have any need to change. We will see Him as He is and we will be like Him. (1 John 3:2)

What if you and I let God guide us on this journey of change? He not only knows what needs to change in you and me, He knows the best way for us to become the people He created us to be. Go ahead and write some goals. That is fine. But when it comes to real change, the kind that really matters, what if we allowed Him to do the leading? You may not like the methods He chooses. That is true, but ultimately, you will live the satisfying life you were created for because you will be in closer communion with your Creator. Isn’t that a journey worth taking?


Key thought: The changes that matter most happen on the inside.

A Scripture to consider: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge: What is one thing about your attitudes or perspectives that you know needs to change? Ask God to lead you to a Scripture to encourage you and write it on an index card. Carry the card with you and work on memorizing that verse.

Prayer: Lord, when I get honest I see so much about me that I know needs to change. I don’t know how to begin to make the changes necessary. I need You to guide me by Your Word and by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help me to begin the journey with You toward the changes that really matter. Amen.