The YES Adventure

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To Experience Joy, Transform Obligation To Offering

“But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:17-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Do you ever feel like you are just going through the motions of life, even a Christian life? You get up, do what you need to do, go to bed and then do it all over again? You go to church, you serve, but it all seems so empty? I have been through those seasons as well. There are times in our lives when we have been through a great loss - of a loved one or through trials - and just getting through each day is a miracle. That is not the kind of season we are talking about here. The question I want you to consider is this: Have you lost the joy of living for God?

Daily life can sometimes cloud the light of life in Christ. What I mean is, we get so focused on doing the tasks and checking the boxes that we miss why we do it. At least, I have. 

At the heart of Christian life is not religion, what I define as “human attempts to reach God,” but a relationship. Not obligations to fulfill, but an offering to be presented. Are you following God from a place of obligation or are you making the choice to offer your life to Him on a daily basis? My dear friend, when you choose to make your life an offering, I can guarantee that you will be filled with joy. I want that for you!

Here are some things to remember that will help you transform your obligation to offering. 

My life belongs to the One who created me. One great motivator toward offering over obligation is to remember that I am not my own. (I Corinthians 6:19-20) Part of the problem you and I face is holding on to something that was never ours to begin with. We have a hard time letting go of our lives, but they are a gift to us. The very least we can do is give them back in gratefulness to the Giver. 

I was created on purpose for a purpose. So were you, Dear Friend. I can willingly offer my life to God because I remember that my life is His. I can’t lose what doesn’t belong to me. Over the years that realization has become abundantly clear. As I remember that my life is not about my own satisfaction and fulfillment, but about fulfilling the purposes of God, I am more able to do the things that move me in that direction, even if it means a sacrifice on my part. I am less concerned with making myself happy and more concerned with accomplishing God’s purpose. When I do that I find myself more satisfied and happy. When I do that it kindles joy!

My service is an offering of gratefulness, not an attempt to earn favor. When I do what I believe God wants because I know I should, its empty, just an obligation. Check! When I serve as a response of gratefulness to the generous gift that has been given me, I can’t help but be filled with joy. When I remember that my life is not my own, but a gift from God that belongs to God and when I remember that He created me because He deeply loves me, and enjoys me (Wow!), His love motivates me to give all for Him. Jesus gave all for me. God did all that was necessary so that I could have a relationship with Him. How could I not respond with a life offered back to Him?

When I was young in the faith, my right choices were often motivated by a fear of making God angry. As a child, I had experienced adults in my life becoming angry when I messed up. I didn’t like it! So, I worked hard to avoid those expressions of anger by trying to always do the right thing. I transferred that fear to God and tried to avoid His anger by doing “right.” As I have grown in knowing Him and have learned to understand His love, that fear of His anger has diminished. Now, my desire is to please Him and to accomplish all that He has planned for me. That really is a joy!!

My joy must be shared! It is the human response to finding treasure, isn’t it? As soon as we find something good, we want to share it with everyone. My desire for you, Dear Friend, is that you would truly begin to experience the joy of living whole-heartedly for Christ. And I know that when you do, when you are filled with the joy of pouring out your life for Him, you will want to share it with others. That’s His desire as well. He wants every person that He has created to experience joy and that joy can only be found in following His examples of unreserved sacrifice. For the joy set before Him Jesus endured the cross. (Hebrews 12:…) He didn’t love the experience of pain, but He loved those He was experiencing it for, you and me and every other person who has existed. We make His joy complete when we joyfully give ourselves away for the sake of others as He did. Are you ready to give Jesus great joy?

Our friend, Paul, really learned the secret of living for what matters and letting go of what doesn’t. He learned that obligation kills joy, but offering sparks it. He saw the possibility of losing his life because of his service to Christ as a joy. Why? 

Paul’s joy came from focusing on what mattered most to him. What mattered to Paul? The gospel of Jesus Christ!. What didn’t? His own life and comfort. Accomplishing God’s purpose is what motivated him and brought him joy. I want that same joy, don’t you?

For you and I, learning to live for what matters and let go of what doesn’t will grow as we focus on Christ, His sacrifice, His love, His message. When we give our life for Him in love rather than out of obligation, it becomes an offering of thanks. Then, living my life as an offering to God becomes a reason for joy. Let’s rejoice with each other!

Key Thought: To experience a joy-filled life in Christ transform obligation to offering.

A Scripture to Consider: “But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:17-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES Challenge: What distracts you from a life of joyful service to God? When are times when you serve God out of obligation rather than offering? What are some habits that you can install that will help you stay focused on choosing to live a life of offering rather than obligation? 

Prayer: Father, a lot of times joy is missing from my life. I get so focused on the details and trying to do everything “right”. I  get distracted by trying to make myself happy. I serve You out of obligation rather than a true choice to offer my life to You. Help me to live my life whole-heartedly for You. Let that be my greatest source of joy no matter what else is happening in my life. Amen.