The YES Adventure

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One Key to Discovering Your Destiny

'Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12

 Do you notice tiny distractions? Do you see the small truths that rise to the surface of your regular routines? If you do, what do they reveal about you?

I’ve never been a big fan of the fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, but if there was a pea under my mattress I wouldn’t notice it, would you? That little thing wouldn’t bother me. I probably wouldn’t even know it was there. Yet, for the princess in the story, the pea kept her awake. It revealed who she really was.

Underneath all the layers of distraction that this world throws at you is the tiny kernel of who you really are and what you want most. That kernel contains the truth of your deepest desire and dearest hope. How aware are you of that desire? What do you really want out of life?

What you most want from life is the essence of your core being. It defines you. If you can get in touch with it, you’ll have a guide for your future. You’ll have a goal to aim for. You’ll know where you want to go. And that knowledge will help you to make course corrections and steer toward that preferred end.

So, my friend, what is it you really want from life? What is the pea under all the mattresses? How do you uncover it?

I know, I know. Deep questions. Who’s got time for those? Well, let me ask you this: What time are you wasting by not asking those questions? Where are you spending your energy and “spinning your wheels” because you haven’t asked them?

Maybe it was because I felt aimless and like I was “spinning my wheels” that I started asking those questions of myself. I was a young stay-at-home mom who felt a call of God on my life and couldn’t see how that fit with the reality I was living. I knew there was more for me and didn’t know how to get there. Sound familiar?

So, about those questions, let me toss a few at you to get your brain going, but then take some time just sitting with those questions in God’s presence. It’s going to take time for answers to be revealed and, honestly, it is an ongoing, life-long process of clearing off the “mattresses” to reveal the “pea” but once you get started, that momentum is going to lead you toward the purpose you were created for.

So, here goes.  

What troubles you when you lie in bed at night?  The things that most disturb you are indications of what really matters to you. Whether they are personal or world issues, the things that trouble you point to the kernel of truth that is your deepest desire and hope. That niggling that rises to the surface when everything is quiet around you and no one else is calling for your attention. Do you listen to that voice, or do you divert your attention to something less troubling? Why not explore that niggling? It’s a clue to what you really want.

What excites you in your quiet moments? When you are idly scrolling through social media or absent-mindedly staring out the window and a thought crosses your mind that makes you smile and incites anticipation in you, what kind of thought is it? What are the events on your calendar that you most look forward to? Have you stopped to consider what those things are and really notice them? Is there a pattern to the things that excite you? What might that pattern be and what does it tell you about what you really want out of life? Allow yourself to notice those things. They shine light on the path you are meant to take.

 What do you see when you envision the future?   When you imagine your future working out the way you hope, what do you see? Do you let that go as a pipedream or do you consider what step you could take now to start moving in that direction? What if you actually sat with that dream instead of dismissing it as a disappointment waiting to happen? What if that dream is the destiny you were created for? Do you want to miss it? I don’t think so! Dreams are clues to help us discover the thing we want most. As you start moving toward the dream, the details may adjust, but the core of the dream points the way to your destiny. What does your dream tell you about yourself?

The pea under the stack of mattresses was the key to discovering the princess’s true character. It was small and unnoticeable to others, but it troubled the princess and kept her awake. The implication is that the uncovering of the pea would enable her to sleep, to be at peace and rest. The analogy will break down if I try too hard here, but I think you get my meaning. Dear Friend, if you will have the courage to uncover the “pea” that is troubling you, you’ll see a clearer path to the more you were created for.

Are you ready to do some serious reflection? If so, you are on the way to discovering what you really want out of life and fulfilling your divine potential.

Here's to discovering your destiny!


Key Question: What do you want from life?

A Scripture to Consider: 'Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12

A YES Challenge: When will you take time to consider the questions that uncover your deepest desire and hope? Make an appointment with yourself and God and then keep it!  

Prayer: Father, I often ignore and avoid asking myself the deep questions. Truthfully, I am afraid of being disappointed. Help me to remember that You are good and designed me with a destiny that You want me to fulfill. Help me to explore the truths hidden beneath the distractions. Give me the courage to uncover the kernel of who You made me to be and help me begin to take steps toward that. I don’t need to do it alone, because You want to guide me through the process. Thank You for the good future You created me for. Amen.