The YES Adventure

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Reconciled: Finding Peace Amid Chaos

'For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. ' Colossians 1:19-20

 I don’t remember a time when I didn’t believe that God existed. But to me He was “out there” somewhere, not personal, not close to me, not someone to call on. He was this cosmic force in charge of the universe. Untouchable. Inaccessible. He just was. Is that familiar to you?

But there came a point in my life when I began to wonder and hope that God was more than an idea or a cosmic force. I found myself feeling simply inadequate for life. My circumstances may not have seemed overwhelming to someone else, but they were to me. My emotions and thoughts were beyond my ability to process. I could not cope. Clouds of hopelessness overtook me. Although I tried, I couldn’t find within myself what I needed to survive and thrive. I needed more.

It was a night like any other as I was crossing Main Street in Geneseo, New York, heading back to my rented room at 16 Oak Street from the SUNY Geneseo campus. My soul was overwhelmed with the darkness that had encompassed me, darker than the night I was walking home in. Heavy. Hopeless. Heart-weary.

I stood on the sidewalk waiting to cross as a car made its way down Main Street, when the internal darkness formed itself into a thought that flooded my brain. “What would happen if I threw myself out in front of that car?” All it would take was a decision for the thought to become an action. The ominous and unexpected idea shocked and frightened me. I had never been in such a state. I needed help.

Shaken, I somehow made it back to my room and knelt by my bed. “God, I can’t do it by myself anymore. I need you to help me.” I don’t remember what else I said, but those words made the difference. In that moment I recognized God as personal. He was no longer “out there.” He came “in here,” inside my clouded soul and began to blow away the billows of darkness. Day by day the light of hope was rekindled. I found my faith the fuel I needed to cope with all that had been overwhelming me. God was with me. There was no longer a separation between me and Him. We could do it together.

Because of that experience, my life has traveled a totally transformed trajectory. From the moment I reached out to God in need, I have found the strength to do more than survive. In Him I have found all that I have needed to become someone I never expected I could be. In Him, with Him, I have all that I need to thrive.  

 Fullness. It’s an amazing and inexplicable thing that at the very moment when I reached out in emptiness, I found fullness. I didn’t recognize it right away, but all that was unfilled within me became full of God Himself. I can’t explain it because it is supernatural, above the natural, beyond explainable experience.

The Scripture says that all God’s fullness dwelt in the body of Christ. All. Nothing lacking. Complete. Amazing! But the even more amazing thing is that when I called out to God and put my faith in Christ that fullness came to live in me. Where I was lacking, where I still lack every day, I have Christ to fill the gap. When I remember that and let Him empower me with His presence, I have all that I need.

 Reconciled. The Scripture says that humans are reconciled to God through the blood of Christ. What does it mean to be reconciled anyway?  Why do you and I even need to be reconciled to God.

The word “reconcile” means “to restore friendly relations between, to cause to exist in harmony; to make or show to be compatible.” According to it means “to bring together again.” But brings it home for me: “to bring into a changed relationship.” The moment I called out to God and declared my need for Him, my relationship with Him changed. I was unaware then, but it was at that moment that my reconciliation with God was complete. I had a relationship with Him before then, but at that moment it became an intimate, personal connection. Whatever gap existed was filled. Whatever was lacking became enough. I was no longer alone, but with Him. I had all that I needed to survive and thrive in life.

 Essentially, reconciliation is about restored relationship. You and I were separated from God by our sin, our selfish propensity to put ourselves first in everything and do things our own way instead of God’s. Even our seemingly generous acts are often self-motivated when sin rules. Jesus did what was necessary to bring God and us back together again. His completely selfless sacrifice obliterated our continually selfish condition. The remedy for me and for you is to receive what He has already done, to cross the bridge of repentance and be reconciled to God. That’s what happened to me that night kneeling by my bed.

 Peace. Peace was certainly lacking in me at that moment on Main Street, but it had been absent for quite some time. In fact, I don’t remember ever being at peace prior to that point. Even beneath smiles and laughter, there was a cavern, empty, yet filled with a swirling cloud of chaos. There was always a nagging and gnawing within.

When I acknowledged my need for God, peace calmed the cavern of chaos. That empty space instantly filled with God’s presence. Did I understand it at the time? Absolutely not! Do I fully understand it now? Absolutely not! But now, I can tell the difference between when I rely on God’s presence within me and when I try to carry the weight myself. In those self-reliant stretches, the swirling starts at the surface of the cavern. It isn’t the deep emptiness that once existed, but my peace is disrupted. However, restoration of peace begins when I remember that I am reconciled to God. I cross over the bridge built by the blood of Christ through repentance, and I find myself in harmony with Him and filled with what I need.

 Dear Friend, you may be overwhelmed today. Whether you have reached out to God in the past or not, why not reach out to Him today? Jesus has done all that is necessary to restore your relationship with God. The fullness of God dwelt in Christ and when you and I invite Christ into our lives and into our situations the fullness of God is within us. He becomes personal and accessible. You and I then find ourselves reconciled to God, resourced for life and at peace amid painful chaos. Why not give Him a call now?


P.S. Dear Friend, if you have any questions about what I have shared please feel free to reach out to me. Just click Contact in the navbar. Praying for you that you will find your peace amid your chaos.

 Key Thought: I have all I need to thrive in Christ.

A Scripture to Consider: 'For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. ' Colossians 1:19-20

A YES Challenge: Take time to evaluate your current chaos. Where might you need to cross the bridge of repentance provided by the blood of Christ and be reconciled to God today?

Prayer: God, even though I may have called on You in the past, I find myself trying to figure life out on my own. That strategy has left me empty, depleted and defeated. I don’t have what I need on my own. I need You. Thank You for sending Jesus to bridge the gap between me and You. I choose to return to You in repentance. I trust You to fill me with Your presence and lead me to peace in the midst of all my trials. Amen.