The YES Adventure

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Rest. Are You Listening?

“God has told his people, “Here is a place of rest; let the weary rest here. This is a place of quiet rest.” But they would not listen.” Isaiah 28:12 NLT

 Tom and I had COVID this week. Not a big deal. Not like it might have been in 2020. But being sick is ALWAYS inconvenient, isn’t it? If you are like Tom and me, you have a list of things to accomplish in a week. But being sick means our priorities change. Appointments are rescheduled. Errands are postponed. Being sick slams on the brakes.

Let’s say you are traveling on a local open road at 55 miles an hour and suddenly a deer leaps in front of you. You slam on the brakes! Once you miss the deer and start to move again you proceed cautiously, keeping your eyes moving. Where there is one deer there are usually more, right? After a while, once you are sure that deer is alone, you regain 55 mph and cruise on. You refocus on getting to your destination. That is what most of us do. That is how we often approach life. At least, I know I have.

But what if God uses those times in life that cause us to “slam on the brakes” to get our attention? What if He intends to call us into a season of rest? What if He is saying to resume your journey at a slower pace? What if there are beauties to notice along the way?

If I slow down on an open road and notice I’ll see the color of flowers in the fields, or ripening apples in the orchards. I’ll see how beautifully a yard has been kept or how unkempt and broken-down a shack is. If I slow down, I see things I would have missed if I stayed focused on parking in the closest spot a few minutes early at my appointment.

Dear Friend, Tom and I believe God is calling us into a season of rest. That doesn’t mean that we stop doing things. It means we slow down and focus on the journey rather than the destination. It means we eliminate the extra noise and listen for God’s voice. It means we stop striving to accomplish and learn to just be.

It sounds inviting and beautiful, doesn’t it? But I think you’ll agree it is also extremely challenging. If you are so inclined, your prayers are welcome!

If you have had to slam on the brakes recently, I pray you’ll pay attention to what God is saying to you through it.

Rest, my friend. Rest.

 Key Question: Is God calling you to rest?

A Scripture to Consider: “God has told his people, “Here is a place of rest; let the weary rest here. This is a place of quiet rest.” But they would not listen.” Isaiah 28:12 NLT

A YES Challenge: What recent situation caused you to “slam on the brakes”? How might God be calling you to proceed at a slower pace? What might you notice if you slow down?

Prayer: Dear Father, forgive me for the many times I have ignored Your call to rest. I am not exactly sure what that means right now, but I don’t want to miss it. Help me notice what is important to You. Help me hear Your voice as the noise fades. Help me receive all You want to give in the quiet place of rest. Amen.