The YES Adventure

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What I am Learning: How to Roll with the Unexpected

“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

 I don’t know about you, but the unexpected can rattle me. My current season is full of the unexpected. I am currently healing from surgery on my right wrist after a fall that broke both my wrists. The morning of the surgery I found myself praying, “God, I know there are going to be unexpected things in this process. Help me to roll with the unexpected.” I am glad I prayed that prayer!

So, here are a few of the unexpected things that I experienced. Because both of my wrists are injured, the medical staff did not want to add fluid to an already injured body location. Did you know that an IV in the foot is the other option? Well, I didn’t. I was surprised, but not rattled when the nurse told me about it. “Time to roll with the unexpected”, I thought. The initial “pinch” felt like any other IV. It hurt at first, but then it was just weird knowing it was there.

For the same reason, a blood pressure cuff was wrapped around my leg rather than my arm. IV on the right foot. Blood pressure cuff on the left leg.  I was connected to that all day as well. Every so often the cuff would tighten around my leg to get a reading. What a strange sensation! Surprised, but not rattled. Another opportunity for God to come through with grace. And He did.

I have never had a cast before, so I have never had a cast removed before. As the nurse was removing my cast so that the surgery could take place, the whirr of the machine she was using to cut through the plaster filled the room. I could see that it was difficult for her because the tool was heavy. She had to keep re-adjusting her grip.  It seemed like it should just be easy for both of us, but it wasn’t. It took longer and was more uncomfortable than I imagined. The strange sensation of an electric razor blade coming so close to my skin was scary. They say it won’t cut you, but it’s sure hard to believe that while it’s happening.

What was most unexpected for me was the emotion I felt. I guess the bottom line is the whole experience was just difficult. As the nurse was cutting the cast tears were streaming down my face. I wasn’t really afraid. It didn’t hurt. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to do it. The whole situation was just difficult. Unexpected tears articulated what I couldn’t find words for.

The doctor had told me that they would use a nerve blocker to help while they did the surgery and for the pain afterward. I knew there would be a nerve blocker. I did not know that the effect of the nerve blocker would make my right arm dead weight for the next 24 hours. I didn’t know where my arm was and had to wear a sling to keep it from swinging all over the place! They even told me to stay away from the stove because I wouldn’t be able to tell if I was getting burned. Of the entire experience that was probably when I was closest to being rattled. It was just weird!    

Here’s my takeaway from this whole thing. I was not rattled by the unexpected in this situation. Surprised, yes. But rattled, no. I knew what I had prayed and when the unexpected happened I remembered it and found a lot of grace. But that grace didn’t erase the difficulty of the situation. It was hard!

My friend, you may be going through a very difficult experience right now. I can tell you with certainty that God is present and will give you grace to roll with the unexpected. It may not make it easier. But it doesn’t have to rattle you.

Dear Friend, I don’t know what you’re going through. There may be a lot of unexpected twists and turns for you right now. But I know you can make it through. His grace is enough to get you through it.