The YES Adventure

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The Key To Peace

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You and I are living in a time that is full of questions, aren't we? When will all the variants settle down? When will the supply chain get re-connected? How will all the conflicts in our nation and in our world resolve? Those big questions underscore all our personal questions. Will I have enough money to meet my needs? Will my family be okay? What am I supposed to do with my life? In the midst of so much happening in our world, it is easy to become anxious. We wonder what the future holds. We wonder how events will unfold in our world, our nation, our community, our own lives.

How do you handle that? Maybe you try to plan everything. Something about planning makes us feel more in control, doesn’t it? I always like to have a general idea of what is going to happen and how I fit in, but sometimes that isn't possible, right? How do you handle it when your plans don’t work out? Does it make you stressed? I can say that I am less stressed now than I was in my younger days, but it is something I continue to work on.

Stress is not what any of us want, right? If we don't want stress, what do we want? We want peace. Isn't that what most people say they are looking for in this world? So, what is the key to peace? How about this? The key to peace is to pray and be thankful. Can it really be that simple?

Worry never leads to peace. Prayer is the opposite of worry. When I am worrying about something I am trying to figure out how to fix it. I am constantly thinking about how it can work out the way that I want it to work out...even if I can't do a thing to make that happen. Worry is my attempt to mentally control the situation. Can you relate?

Worry leads to control expressed in a variety of ways. Sometimes our prayers are really an attempt to control God. All the teachings on praying specifically and without doubt are great, but they can lead us to think that if we just pray a certain way, then God will do exactly what we are asking. At the heart of that is…yep, you guessed it…control.

But prayer the way God intends it to be is so different from worry. At the core of prayer is turning the whole thing over to God. Ultimately, prayer is not about getting something from God, it is about getting God Himself. More of His presence. More of His love for us. God's purpose for prayer is to connect you and me with His love, the love of our Heavenly Father. When we do that and thank Him for who He is and tell Him what we need trusting that He will do it, that leads to the thing we most want: Peace. Peace knows that whatever happens, God’s got this and it will be alright.

The core of prayer is thanks. In his letter to his friends in Philippi, the apostle Paul encourages them to tell God what they need, to lay before Him all that is on their hearts. It takes trust to be totally open with someone. Do you and I trust God enough to be totally open with Him? Often we approach God with a bit of reticence. Have you ever felt afraid that if you really told God how you felt a lightening bolt would come down from the sky and take you out? Maybe that is a bit extreme, but I'll bet that sometimes you are afraid to be totally honest with God. You don't have to be, my friend. He loves you. Really! He does! And He wants you to trust Him enough to be completely honest with Him. If you need some examples of how to do that, just take a look at Psalms! (Psalm 139 is a good place to start!)

It is in that kind of trust that we not only tell Him what we need, but believe that He will take care of it. When I really believe that I can be honest with God because I believe that He loves me, then I can believe that God will meet my needs and then I overflow with thanks. I can't help it! What a good God He is! What tremendous love! Our Father sent His Son as the sacrifice that built a bridge between us and Him. The cross is the bridge back to God. How good and generous He is! When I am filled with thanks, I start to see just how much He desires a relationship with me, and with you, and with all people. Isn't that relationship what we need most? Isn't that relationship the foundation of the peace we long for?

The result of giving thanks is peace. And there it is. What so many people in our world are saying they want. Peace. The kind of peace that every heart longs for, including mine and yours, is the peace of knowing that we are loved and cared for, and that, in the end, it's all going to be alright. That can only be found as we cast our cares on Him because we are confident that He cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)

When I take my needs to God in trust that He loves me and will meet my needs, it takes my eyes off of me. And that is where thanks can begin. Thanks looks up, at God and at the people around me. When I am focused on me and my need, it is impossible to give thanks to anyone. I only see the lack. But when I pray in trust, then I can thank God because I know He will take care of it. Thanks is focused on the giver, not the receiver. Thanks causes me to look away from me and toward the One who has done something for me.

What is peace but the absence of striving? A heart at peace is not worrying. A heart at peace is not trying to figure things out or make anything happen. A heart at peace is a heart that trusts. A heart at peace is filled with thanks because of that trust. A heart at peace is a heart that believes without a doubt that it is loved and cared for. That is what I know I want and need. That is what I want for you, my friend. Isn't that what you want?

Dear Friend, even though you have been stressed, although you may have found yourself trying to control things, even trying to control God through your prayers, there is a way to peace. Instead of trying to control God with your prayers, tell Him what you need from a position of trust. Tell Him what you need believing that He loves and cares for you and that He will do it. Then let thanks naturally overflow from your grateful heart. The result of that thanks will be what your heart longs for in this confusing and complicated world: PEACE. God's got this my friend.

Key Thought: A trusting heart overflows with thanks that leads to peace.

A Scripture to Consider: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭NLT

A YES Challenge: What is it that most troubles your heart? What is it you most need? Turn to God in prayer and tell Him what you need, trusting that He loves you and will meet that need, even if He doesn't do it the way you want to. Let your heart overflow with thanks and notice the peace that overtakes you.

Prayer: Dear Father, You are so good to me. You have been so faithful through all my years with You. As I look back, I see Your hand constantly caring for me. I see Your love expressed towards me in so many ways. I am so grateful! Lord, You know what I need most right now. I lay it before You and thank You for Your love and faithfulness. I trust You to continue to care for me. I rest in Your goodness and thank You for it. I trust that as I lay all of this before You, I can rely on You to do what needs to be done and I am at peace. Thank You, Dear Father! Amen.