The YES Adventure

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To Live IS Christ?

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 NIV

The Apostle Paul. He challenges me! Yes, he wrote much of what we call the New Testament of the Bible, but have you ever stopped to consider Paul as a person? He wasn't just a character in a Bible story. He was real, with real feelings, challenges and choices just like you and I. I have spent quite a bit of time with the Apostle Paul in the last few years, taking time to learn from him as I have thoughtfully read through some of his letters. He had a perspective on life that put Christ at the center of everything. In fact he declared without question or reservation, "to me, to live IS Christ." What a confident claim! What did he mean? Could I say that?

To get a better understanding of what Paul might mean let's think about where he is and what he is facing when he says this. He is imprisoned because of his steadfast commitment to preach the Gospel and the trouble it has caused him with the Jewish leaders. They don't just want him out of commission, they want him dead. Sound familiar? Not unlike their reaction to the author of the Gospel, is it? Paul has refused to be turned and has refused to be quiet.

His imprisonment at this point is likely not in a dungeon, but house arrest. However, nothing is provided for him, only what friends send. His reason for writing to the Philippians is first, to thank them for a gift and second, to encourage them to put aside some personal conflicts so that they can focus on the Gospel. For Paul, the only thing that really matters is that the Gospel is being declared. His enemies are trying to stir up trouble for him and preaching the Gospel so that authorities will be harder on him, but he doesn't care. He knows that there is a good chance that he will be killed, but he is not afraid because to Paul "to live is Christ and to die is gain." He expresses confidence that God will keep him alive at this time to help his friends in their walk with Jesus. And throughout the letter he joyfully gives thanks for everything continuously.

Okay, so that is Paul's story at this point in time. Trouble and tribulation because of his unswerving commitment to preach the Gospel.

So, what does he mean to live IS Christ? What might it look like for you and me?

Christ is at the very center of every part of my life. Paul had set aside every other goal and ambition. His priority relationship was Jesus. In Galatians 2:20 he says "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." His daily goal became to let Christ live in him and through him. Is that your goal? Is it mine?

Here's where I am at with this. I know who I was without Christ and I have sometimes contemplated who I might have been if Jesus had not intervened in my life. I was and would be a fearful and selfish person. I am not totally clear of the fear and selfishness, and won't be until the day I die, but I have stepped out my comfort zone in so many areas that I shake my head when I look back and see how far I have come. It is only as I keep Jesus my focus.

I know that I cannot love people well unless Jesus loves them through me. I just do not have the ability. It isn't in me. Jesus knows how to listen to a person's heart and not just their words. Being a "word" person, sometimes I get hung up on them and forget to listen for what is really going on inside of a person. Jesus is the One who can do that and His Holy Spirit in me helps me to get beyond what I hear to what He hears. That is, when I remember to let Him.

The whole focus of my life has shifted because of Jesus. I want to be able to say with Paul "it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."

My highest goal is to please Him in all things. Paul wasn't worried about making the Jewish authorities happy. He wasn't concerned about appeasing the Roman soldiers guarding him so that his life would be easier. He wasn't concerned about keeping his friends happy so that they would keep supporting him. His goal was to honor Christ and Christ alone. To know Christ and to make Him known to anyone who came across his path. His whole life was aimed toward Christ like an arrow aimed at the bull's eye. Christ. Only Christ. Always Christ.

Wow! What focus! Paul encouraged his friends to follow his example more than once throughout his letters. To the Philippians he says, "Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me -- everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you." (Philippians 4:9 NLT) He sure had confidence that the way he was living was worthy of following.

How confident am I in the example I am setting for others? Am I ready to say as Paul did, "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ"? (1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV) My first responsibility is to put Him first. My next responsibility is to follow His example so that others can follow me toward Him. I have some work to do!

I lay aside everything else as less important. When Paul says "to live IS Christ" he makes Christ the most important thing in His life. Nothing and no one is more important to him. Later in the letter he tells his friends, " I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ" (Philippians 3:8 NLT) Christ. Only Christ. Always Christ.

I am not there yet, but if there is anything I have learned from studying the letters of Paul it is this: At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the Gospel. Christ. Only Christ. Always Christ. So, I want to evaluate everything in light of that. It sure brings a lot into perspective.

It settles my fears for the future as I read news headlines. It helps me lay aside offenses. It helps me to evaluate how I spend money. It challenges me to love people well so that I earn a hearing for the only thing that matters, the Gospel.

So, my Friend, here we are. Challenged. Challenged by our friend, Paul. A human being. Not divine. Gifted, but no superhuman abilities. A man wholly committed to make Christ the center of his life, to please Him in all things and to lay aside everything else as less important. A man who allowed the Holy Spirit to live through him to such an extent that he could confidently say, "to me to live IS Christ." That is an example I want to follow.

Maybe some day I will be confident enough in my efforts to declare just as firmly, "to me to live IS Christ."

Key thought: The goal is Christ. Only Christ. Always Christ.

A Scripture to consider: For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 NIV

A YES challenge: What might God be asking you to consider as less important so that you can gain more of Christ? Take some time in prayer. Write it down on a piece of paper. Pray over it and then destroy the paper in some way to indicate your commitment to make Christ first in that area of your life.

Prayer: Father, Paul's example is so challenging and compelling. I know that I am not at the place where I can say that to me to live IS Christ. I don't know how to get there, but I want to. Help me to keep making You the center of my life. Help me to rely on the Holy Spirit in a greater way so that He can help me to lay aside everything else as less important and to make my goal only Christ. I need You. I can't do it without You. Amen.