ASK: What Do You Want Most?
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” Acts 20:24 NLT
What is the result of God-centered goal setting? God’s glory. Is that what you want most? That’s a question I must often ask myself. If I want to stay on track with God’s purpose for my life, then His glory has to be the driver for my choices. But it often isn’t. What about you?
The key to setting God-centered goals is to seek God’s glory above all else. Much of the internet and print teaching you find about setting goals has to do with self-fulfillment and reaching your full potential. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but it lacks the aspect of fulfilling divine potential, becoming all that God designed you to be.
So, Dear Friend, ask yourself what you really want. Is it self-fulfillment or fulfilling God’s dream for your life?
When I seek God’s glory, my desires become submitted to His. The thing about God’s glory is that it’s about God, not me. Do you start setting goals by asking what you want to do? Even if you start with asking who you want to be it leaves God out of the picture.
God-centered goal setting has to keep God at the center, right? I must set aside what I want and ask God what He wants. Often, as I have matured in Christ, my desires have begun to line up with His desires. It wasn’t always that way, and it sure isn’t always that way! I have to check my heart all the time. But I have learned that as I face the momentary pain of submitting my desires to Him and seeking His glory first, satisfaction and fulfillment are not far behind. Why not try it?
When I seek God’s glory, I recognize that my gifts and talents are given to accomplish His purpose. One of the exciting things about life is learning who we are and how we are made. When you discover something you are good at it feels awesome, doesn’t it? Once you discover a gift or talent you naturally want to develop it and get better at it. You crave the encouragement that comes from being successful at something. It feels wonderful to be complimented. Success and compliments make us feel like we are on the right track. They can become the driver of our choices.
But keeping God at the center means success is doing what He wants, even if it is outside my comfort zone. Sometimes, it even means doing something I am not great at and trusting Him to empower me to get it done. He always comes through.
When I seek God’s glory, His approval becomes the only thing I seek after. As I said, compliments feel awesome. Compliments from someone I admire and respect are the best. But if I let those words of affirmation become my motivation I will get off track. They will never fill me up and satisfy me. I will always need another word or another smile. Their approval may fade and my confidence with it. I need something more stable. So do you.
The love of God never changes. We know this, but do we let it motivate us? His love and approval do not waver or fade. He can be relied upon. Seeking God’s glory first means I will always have His approval, even if I don’t do the task perfectly.
People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 NLT
I am grateful for this. What about you?
Dear Friend, God-centered goal setting is so much more than getting things done. And it is more than fulfilling your potential. Yes, there is satisfaction in accomplishing goals Yes, God’s Kingdom is advanced when your goals line up with His. But the most important thing is that we grow in relationship with Him and that He is revealed through us, that people see the magnificence of His character and power through our lives. That is the ultimate goal.
Key Question: What do you want most?
A Scripture to Consider: “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” Acts of the Apostles 20:24 NLT
A YES Challenge: Prayerfully consider what you want most as you prepare to set goals. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any selfish motives so that God’s glory can be your true motivation. This will be a lifelong process!
Prayer: Father, You know me better than I know myself. Help me to see the true motives of my heart. I want to make Your glory my highest goal and my deepest motivation, but I know that my self gets in the way. I submit myself to Your Holy Spirit. Guide me into the truth about myself so that I can live for Your glory. Amen.