The YES Adventure

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What Words Matter?

“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:14-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

My mother has mentioned that she would hear me practicing words in my crib before she heard me use them in public. Imagine! Baby Me practicing speech! I guess that even as a baby I wanted to use words well! I suppose that God put a love of words in me from the very beginning. Even in my crib, I had a sense that words have power and a desire to use them carefully. 

This world is overwhelmed with words and not every person using them is aware of their power. Words can hurt, help, comfort, criticize, correct, encourage, berate, alienate, bring closer. Words, spoken or written, have tremendous power in people’s lives. How careful are you with this potent tool? What words matter to you?

In the swirl of words that pour past us on a daily basis, from the mouths of people or through the screens of our phones, what words are you listening to and how are they affecting you? What words matter to you?

The apostle Paul wanted to make sure his friends in Philippi paid attention to the most powerful words ever written or spoken. He called the collection of God’s words the “Word of LIfe”. And he told his friends to “hold firmly to the Word of Life.’ What is the Word of Life? Why is the word so important, not just to the Philippians, but to you and me as well?

Hold Firmly. The fact that Paul had to encourage the Philippians to “hold firmly” to God’s words indicates that there was opposition. Imagine you are out in the middle of a storm. The rain is pelting your face. The wind is pushing your whole body in a direction you don’t want to go. It takes every ounce of your strength to keep pushing forward instead of backward or sideways. You look for something to steady you. Something like an anchored rope that will guide you toward your desired goal. That’s what Paul was telling the Philippians the Word of God was like for them, and that is what it is like for you and me as well. 

There are so many other influences, aren’t there? Through social media, and every other media outlet, we are constantly taking in information and viewpoints. Our eyes, ears and minds are relentlessly bombarded with another person’s opinion of what is right and good, of what will make life satisfying and fulfilling. If you followed the advice of every person you hear or every post you read, you would find yourself constantly changing course. Maybe you do find yourself constantly changing course. Instead of whipping in the wind of opinion or bending in the breezes of opposition, do what Paul says, hold firmly to the Word of truth. Those are the words that matter. 

His words are life.  In the gospel the apostle John wrote he declares that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God…” (John 1:1) The “Word” John referred to is the Lord, Jesus Christ. He synthesizes all the words of God into one person and calls Him THE Word. Think about it. The words that you read on the pages of Your Bible, or in your Bible app, are more than just words. Really! They are THE Word, Jesus. They ARE God. Isn’t that amazing?!

God loved humanity so much that He communicated with us. He communicated through a source that has not disappeared. Even thousands of years later, His words exist and are essentially unchanged. “The Word of God will stand forever…” (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25) His words will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35)

Jesus said that His words are spirit and life. (John 6:63) The Spirit of God lives in the Word of God. How amazing! The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to transform the people of God, so that they can do the purposes of God. The satisfying and fulfilling life you are looking for is found in the pages of the Bible. His Words give direction, correction, encouragement, inspiration. They are so much more than information. 

I have found routines a useful tool in making sure that the things I want to get done are accomplished. It helps me to “self-automate.” Years ago I developed the routine of getting up, grabbing my cup of caffeine and settling down for some Bible time. Sure, it’s a good routine, and that may sound impressive to you, but as useful as routines can be, there are dangers. Self-automation can also lead to stagnation. Just because I am reading my Bible does not mean that I am approaching it as the Word of LIfe. 

In recent years, I have felt God encouraging me to be sure to read, not for information, but for intimacy, to let His Word draw me closer to Him. Think of it! His Word is alive with Himself! His Word is the way I get to know Him better. His Word is the way that I build a relationship with Him. The more you know someone, the closer you feel to them. Do you want to feel closer to God? Start in the Word. Spirit and life are in the Word!

Keep the end that matters in mind.  Paul states that his goal surpassed the present position of the Philippians. His goal was not simply for them to follow the words of God, but to present them as a gift to the Lord, Jesus Christ at His return. Paul’s goal was to proudly present Jesus with Philippian disciples, not jut followers. Paul’s goal, and mine, and maybe yours, is that on the day of Jesus’ return to earth, we can offer to Jesus people whom we have led to love and follow Him. People who are whole-hearted, fully devoted disciples who know His Word, who know Him, who have learned His ways and shared Him with others. The goal of every disciple is to make disciples who make disciples. To passionately pursue Jesus and lead others to passionately pursue Him so that when He returns, and He will return, we bring as many people as possible with us into His heavenly kingdom. How’s that for a lofty goal?

Paul’s work was not for his own sake, his own satisfaction and fulfillment. His satisfaction and fulfillment came in accomplishing the purposes of Christ. He was more concerned with the cause of Christ than with his own comfort. That’s a challenge to me, but Isn’t that what really matters?

The words of this world or the Word of LIfe? Which words matter most to you? Hold firmly to the Word of Life, Dear Friend. That Word will bring you life and help you live for what matters and let go of what doesn’t.

Key Thought: The Word of God shows me how to live for what really matters. 

A Scripture to Consider: “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:14-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES Challenge: Evaluate the influence of the words you are taking in, through the people present in your world or through the means of media. Which words matter most to you? How can you hold firmly to the Word of Life and make it a more present influence in your days?

Prayer: Father , I realize that I have been more influenced by the words around me than I care to admit. Help me to make Your Word the most influential words in my life. Help me to spend time in Your Word, not just to gain knowledge and information, but to know You and draw nearer to You. Help me to value and hold firmly to Your Word of Life. Amen.