The YES Adventure

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What To Do When You Feel Stuck: Press On

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:12-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Does God really even care?" I wondered as I walked. Nothing had turned out as I had expected. I was disappointed and tired. I had gotten to a point in my relationship with God where I just felt stuck. I felt numb every day. Did I even want to follow God anymore? But where else would I go?

I was at a women’s retreat taking place at a camp. The setting was beautiful and woodsy. The sun peaked through the green leaves on the trees as the dry ones on the ground crunched beneath my feet. I had decided to take a walk and had found a path in the woods. I was somehow aware of the Holy Spirit leading me as I reached for a walking stick and headed up a hill.

Almost at the top of the steep incline I felt theHoly Spirit tell me to stop. It was an awkward position to to be in and it was difficult to keep my balance. As I struggled to stand still I realized that I had a choice to make, not just on the hill, but in my life. Standing still was not an option because sooner or later I would fall. I had to turn back or press forward. That was the only way to find balance again. Turning around would have been easy. Moving forward was not. Which way?

It took more energy and effort than I thought I had in me, but I used the walking stick to help pull me as I swung my leg forward. After a few difficult steps I found myself at the crest of the hill. Whew! That was a relief. I continued following the path with a renewed wonder. What would I find next? What else did the Holy Spirit want to speak to me? I followed the path around a bend and discovered a beautiful, sun-sparkling pond. Such an idyllic setting that no one else had discovered. A totally unexpected vista! I was so grateful as I made my way back to the main house. I knew that what I had experienced was more than just a walk. It had been a prophetic encounter with God. I was leaving that path unstuck and ready to move forward in God’s purpose for me.

What about you, Dear Friend? Have you ever felt stuck? Do you feel stuck right now? That walk up the hill was God’s tool to teach me that perseverance, pressing on when it isn’t easy and doesn’t make sense, is often God’s tool to lead us to the next beautiful place in our life. What did I learn about perseverance from that walk in the woods?

Pressing on is a choice. I felt stuck. It was uncomfortable and I didn’t like where I was, but I felt unable to get out of it. Yet, I did have a choice, it just required more effort than I thought I could give. I needed a little help. I need to grab a hold of something extra to get me through it, but moving forward was possible. I needed to make the choice and do it.

Dear Friend, you don’t need to stay stuck. Take hold of whatever tools you need to press on. It may be confiding in a friend, or a a counselor. There is no shame if you need medication to help you out of a depression. You aren’t in this alone. Grab hold of whatever you need to and just choose to take the next step. I know you don't feel like you can right now, but you can. I promise.

Pressing on takes effort. Being stuck takes little effort. Going back takes little effort. Moving forward takes focus and energy. When you are stuck, moving forward feels impossible. It feels like nothing can break you out of your prison. It doesn’t seem logical to take a step, to keep choosing forward. Choosing to press on even when nothing makes sense is what perseverance is all about. That is what trust is. Believe for the next thing, even when you don’t know what it is, even when it seems impossible. It’s worth your effort. You never know what beauty might be around the bend.

Pressing on leads to purpose. I did not know what I would find as I pressed forward. I simply made the choice and as I did I felt a renewed sense of destiny and purpose. There was something out there for me. I didn’t need to know what it was. I just needed to keep pursuing it. Sometimes God’s transformation tool is perseverance.

Press forward, Dear Friend. Trust that as you make the effort to persevere, you will discover God’s purpose for you. Even in the pain and confusion and disappointment. As you persevere, you will discover purpose. It’s worth it.

Dear Friend, I don’t know what you are facing today. I am sorry that life has taken such a difficult turn. I know that at times like this, God can seem very far away. But I also know that as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, as you choose to press on and persevere, you will receive the greatest prize there is: a deeper walk with Jesus. That’s the beauty around the bend, Dear One. Take the next step.

Key Thought: Perseverance leads to purpose.

A Scripture to Consider: But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A YES Challenge: In what area of your life do you feel stuck right now? What step do you need to take to move forward?

Prayer: Lord, you know where I am right now. It isn’t that I wan tot turn back, but moving forward just seems really hard. You are worth every effort. You are the prize that I most want to win. Help m