The YES Adventure

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Where is God When I am in Pain?

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalms 46:1 NIV

 I’ve been on a journey these past few months! I had my final check-in with the orthopedist this week. The bones are healed, and it is “safe” for me to return to all normal activities, although it will take a bit more time to regain strength and flexibility as my wrists continue to heal. I’ve been sharing with you what I’ve been learning through this. But there is something I’ve learned that I hesitate to share.

No one seeks out pain. However, pain is part of the human experience. Physical pain has been my most recent experience, but I’ve been through other types of pain in my six decades. So have you. Each of us experiences different kinds of pain: emotional, relational, mental, financial.

When we are in pain we have one goal: End it! We want to end the pain. But in most cases, we have no control. I could not end the pain of two broken wrists and all the side effects. I had to walk through it just as you must walk through your pain. Where is God when you and I are in pain?

  God is present in your pain. God is present and helping in the pain. I have found Him present as I have struggled with the limitations and side effects of my injury. I’ve noticed Him when I’ve been alone, but He has also been present in the people who have helped me. The medical staff. The church people who brought meals. The people I had never met who gave me rides when I couldn’t drive simply because they love Jesus, and the care pastor asked them to serve.

He is present to help you through it all. He’s helped me through the overwhelming moments. He has been a protection from the detrimental effects of my trial. Remember, your trial does not have to damage you permanently. His ongoing presence is the source of strength when the trial seems overwhelming. His presence protects you from being crushed. That has been my experience and I know He will do it for you, too.

 God’s grace is activated as you accept your present pain.  The best way to get through trials is not to fight against them, but to turn into them and find God there. As I said, our number one goal when in pain is to end it. But our constant efforts to end the pain on our own often cloud our awareness of God’s presence in the pain.

Turn to God, not away from Him. Accept what is and look for God in the reality of the unwanted and unexpected. Resist the tendency to blame and get angry at God when the things you hoped wouldn’t happen do happen.

When I fell and broke my wrists, I could have blamed God and accused Him of not answering my prayer for protection. By turning to Him with gratitude and accepting the reality of the present, I realized He was present and did protect me by giving my head a soft place to land even though my wrists were injured. A head injury is much worse than broken wrists! My head never even hurt. As I accepted the reality I would not have chosen, I found the strength I needed to persevere when pain or frustration or sadness wanted to drown me. Then the dark waves subsided, and the light of His presence took over.

 Turn into the pain and find God there. Driving experts have taught winter drivers to turn into slippery road skids. Turning into the skid, rather than fighting against it, allows you to correct your direction. Turning into the skid means looking and steering where you want the car to go rather than slamming on the brakes and trying to stop. Steering through it helps you come out of the skid safely.

Turning into the pain means to look where you want to go. Look towards God and trust He is working out His will in you through the pain.

It doesn’t mean you’ll come out with no scars, but your scars will be purposeful. I have one scar from two broken wrists where the surgeon added a plate and screws in my right wrist to ensure that the bones healed properly. The scar is a reminder of an intentional healing process. Your scars will remind you of God’s presence in your process. He is with you, pouring out His strength when you think you’ll drown in the trial. The scar is a reminder of God’s grace, an intentional healing process.


Dear Friend, I wish you didn’t have to walk through pain, but I can assure you God is present. Do yourself a favor. Don't fight against it. Accept the reality, turn into the pain, and find God there providing a safe place in the stormy waters and everything you need to heal.

 Key Question: Where is God when I am in pain?

A Scripture to Consider: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalms 46:1 NIV

A YES Challenge: Consider your current challenge, how have you tried to end the pain? What is one way you can turn into the pain and find God?

Prayer: Father God, You see me. You see my pain. You know all about my situation. Forgive me for not seeking You first. Forgive me for ways I have blamed You or tried to “fix” the problem on my own. Help me to turn into the reality of my pain so that I can find You there. Thank You for Your presence in every situation of my life, even the most painful. Amen.