The YES Adventure

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Where You Look is Where You’ll Go

“We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 NLT

 When I was learning to drive a car I heard this phrase, “The car goes where your eyes go.” Did you ever hear that one? As a new driver, if I was fearfully eyeing the mailbox along the side of the road that I didn’t want to run into, the car would start drifting toward the mailbox along the side of the road. If my gaze shifted anxiously toward oncoming traffic, the car would also shift toward the oncoming traffic. I had to learn to keep my eyes focused straight ahead so that the vehicle would keep a straight-ahead course. Even now, especially when I am passing a large truck in a narrow lane, I say to myself, “Just keep looking straight ahead.” Being aware of what is around you is important, but not being distracted by it requires intentional focus. I have to decide to keep my eyes pointed where I want to go, not on those other things.

It isn’t that different in life, is it? It’s so easy to get distracted by all that is happening around us. We might have a tendency to drift toward that thing on the right or the left, but when we do we find ourselves off track.

Are you off track my friend? Is your life headed where you want to be? You might need to discipline yourself to keep looking where you want to go. You might need to tell yourself, “Just keep looking straight ahead.” Why? Because your life will head toward what you are paying attention to. When you pay attention to things that distract you from your ultimate goal, your life will drift. Are you heading where you want to go? What does straight ahead look like for you? Here’s how to “get your eyes back on the road.”

 Remember where you want to go. It’s important to regularly remind yourself of what you really want. Do you review the goals you set for yourself? Have you set goals? Do you remember who you want to be? If you feel like you are drifting, then it might be time to remind yourself of where you want to go.

If you’ve written out your goals, (If you haven’t, do it now!) then decide on a plan for keeping those goals in front of you. Some people print and frame their yearly goals. For the first time this year, I created a “vision board” and made it the Lock Screen on my iPad. It’s a constant visual reminder of what I want to accomplish this year. The board is arranged into areas that center on being, doing and relating. The vision board has been a great way to keep my goals in focus. I also have my goals written out in a digital document and a monthly phone reminder to “review goals.” What might work for you?

Remind yourself of why. Why do you want what you want? This is your motivation. This is what will keep you going. This is what helps you discipline yourself to keep looking straight ahead. Why do you want to achieve that goal? Why do you want to develop that character quality? Who are you doing it for? Who will benefit from your growth or achievement? God’s glory may be a given for you, but it doesn’t hurt to remind yourself that He is worth the effort to focus by writing it out. Your why matters so much more than you realize.

My written goals include a “why” statement. That way reviewing my goals includes reviewing my why. I’ve also added some bits of text to my “vision board” as reminders of my why. It’s so much easier to focus on what than on why. If you are a person who likes lists and check boxes (guilty! My hand is up!) it become easy to focus on getting those boxes checked. It feels good to say, “Done!” But that feel-good moment is short-lived. Remembering the why adds a layer of lasting contentment attached to that check mark. “Done so that…” What’s your why, my friend?

 Keep looking straight ahead. In order to stay focused you need to eliminate distractions. Knowing where you want to go and why you want to go there helps you determine what is a distraction and what will help you head in the direction of your preferred destination. You’ll know what to say yes to and what to say no to. You’ll have a filter for decision-making and course corrections, also known as attitude adjustments. (Uh oh! Yeah, those are needed, too. Sometimes an attitude is the real distraction from your preferred destination.)

It will take some discipline. That may not be your strong suit. So, in addition to regularly reviewing your goals and your motivation, you might need someone to hold you accountable. Who knows you well and tells you the truth about yourself? That person is your most valuable partner in goal achievement. That person is the one who can help you keep looking straight ahead. Remind yourself that you aren’t in this alone. You have partners in flesh and blood, if you invite them. And you have a Partner in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, if you invite Him. Accountability helps you to keep looking starting ahead. You aren’t alone.

 Dear Friend, where are you looking? What are you focused on? Like the vehicle you drive, your life will go where you are looking. Don’t drift. Don’t get distracted. Don’t get off track. Remember your goals. Remember your why. And keep looking straight ahead. You might be surprised just who you become.


Key Question: Are you looking where you want to go?

A Scripture to Consider: “We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 NLT

A YES Challenge: Take some time to remind yourself of your goals. Write out what you want and why. What will you do to keep them in front of you? Who will help you to stay on track? Set a specific time to make this happen!

Prayer: Father, I am realizing that I have not been staying focused. I’ve allowed myself to become distracted by all the things happening around me. I’ve lost track of who I want to be and what I want to do. Forgive me, Lord, and help me to refocus. Show me the ways to keep those goals in front of me, to remind myself of who I want to be and why I want to be that. Help me to keep looking straight ahead so that my life goes in the direction that You have for me. Amen.