The YES Adventure

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Who is Calling You?

Live in a manner worthy of the calling you have received, you have been called by God. Ephesians 4:1

 Imagine that your phone rings and when you answer it you realize that the call is from the White House. Regardless of how you feel about the current occupant of the White House, the fact that you have received a call from the seat of our country's government would catch your attention. You would know that the call was important, and you'd do whatever you could to give the call the honor it deserved based on where the call was coming from. You would follow whatever instructions were given to you and you might even feel kind of important. After all, the White House is an important place. Doesn't a call from an important place or person make you important? It does!

 You have received a call from an important place and an important person. You have been called by the King of Heaven Himself. He knows your name and has identified you as His own. How does that knowledge permeate your life? Does a desire to honor the One who called you motivate your decisions?

 Think about it. YOU have been called, not by the White House, but by God Himself. GOD. Called YOU! Called ME! When such greatness and goodness reaches out to such smallness and weakness it's hard to fully comprehend all the implications. We tend to emphasize the "called" part and try to figure out what to do. But take a moment and think about the One you've been called BY. Think about the honor He has given you simply by calling you His. 

 I'm reminded of a scene in the movie Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. Aragorn has just been crowned king and as the people bow before him, he notices the Hobbits also about to bow and says, "My friends, you bow to no one." Then he, the king, bows before them, the "halflings", smaller and weaker than everyone else, and the whole crowd follows in showing their respect to the Hobbits. The honor of the crowd was not based on their merits but on the honor of the king. 

 When the King of Heaven calls your name, He is showing you tremendous honor. The very least response that you or I can give is to honor Him in return by living a life that reflects that calling.

 Key Question: How are you responding to God’s call?

 A Scripture to Consider: Live in a manner worthy of the calling you have received, you have been called by God. Ephesians 4:1

 A YES challenge: Think back over the choices you have made in the last few days. Are they worthy of the One who called you? What will you do differently as you keep the One you've been called by in mind?

 Prayer: Lord, it overwhelms me to think that I have been called by You. Who am I that You would turn your attention to me and choose me as Your own?! It's more than I can wrap my mind around! Thank you for Your calling, Lord. Help me to live in a manner that is worthy of You. I submit my thoughts, words, and actions to You. Correct me as needed so that my life brings glory and honor to Your name. Amen.