The YES Adventure

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Why I Can Trust Him

'…for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. ' Colossians 1:16 NLT


Spring is coming! We are just on the verge of it right now. Winter is still most definitely in control, but the calendar is pointing in Spring’s direction. There is a sense of excitement and expectation that Spring will soon arrive. Bring on the crocuses! I am definitely ready for Spring! How about you?

But how do I really know that Spring will come? I can’t see any signs of it right now. Sure, the temperatures get warmer, but then just as quickly they plummet again. Will Spring really arrive on schedule? Or, like Narnia, will we be plunged into an endless winter?

Sounds ridiculous, I know. But you and I trust that Spring will come. We don’t doubt it even though we can’t see it. We trust that Spring will win over Winter even though we can’t see that victory right now. We trust that it will come. Right?

There are things going on in your life right now that seem like a Narnian winter. They drag on with no indication that they will ever change. World events steal hope. We watch and wonder and find it hard to trust that it will turn out alright. How will that nation’s crisis affect us? What will our future look like? How do I know that I really can trust Christ with the horrific upheaval that is unfolding?

Our trust in Christ can be rooted and grounded in this: Through Christ everything was created in the visible world and in the invisible world. EVERYTHING was also created FOR Him. The invisible world as well as the visible. Do I understand it all? No. But I know that Jesus is trustworthy. I have experienced it over and over, but the Scriptures give us some clear reasons why we can trust Him.

Why is Jesus trustworthy? He understands how things work because He created them. All things…ALL THINGS…were created through Him. The magnificent mountains, the spectacular sun, the coursing currents of the river...He understands how all those things came to be and the systems that make them thrive.

He knows the inner workings of my body, the parts I can’t see, because He created it. He understands the water cycle and the science of weather because He created it. He knows the number of heartbeats in an ant because He created it. He understands the muddled minds of world leaders because He created them and Scripture declares “the government is on His shoulders.” (Isaiah 9:6) Whatever is going on, He understands because He created the world and everything in it. It all belongs to Him so I can trust Him with it. (Psalm 24:10)

Why can I trust Jesus with my circumstances? He created the unseen systems that control my destiny. The heavenly realm is not visible to you and me, but Jesus knows how it works because everything was created through Him. We believe that there are unseen forces functioning in the world, but we don’t understand how they operate. He does. I can trust Him to oversee the operation of the unseen because He created it.

It truly is difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that the invisible evil world exists and that those despicable demons were initially created by God. The demonic forces that imperceptibly motivate malicious government leaders are beyond my ability to envision and understand. But I do believe that they are in operation. People make choices that advance their vicious strategies, but behind the most destructive decisions, evil is always lurking. And that evil is not out of God’s control. He is the One who sets the limits. “This far and no farther.” I can’t claim to understand why sometimes the limits are not where I think they should be, but I have learned to trust that He sees what I don’t and will work it out in His time. Martin Luther is quoted as writing, “Even the devil is God’s devil.” That makes sense to me and gives me great comfort.

Why can I trust Jesus? Everything exists for His glory. He is the image of the invisible God. (Colossians 1:15) All that is, is His. The details of my life exist for Him. The crisis in that foreign nation, He’s got that, too. All creation points to Jesus. Period.

It doesn’t seem like it right now. I know that. But if everything was created for Him, then He is there somewhere. He understands it because He created it and, in the end, He will get the glory because it was created for Him. He will work it together for good, our good and His glory. (Romans 8:28, Hebrews 1:3)

Dear Friend, you really can trust Jesus with the things you can see because He created them. You can trust Him with the things you can’t see because He created them, too. You can place every circumstance in your life and in the world into His more than capable hands because it all exists for Him. In the end everything points to Him, and He will get the glory. Take heart and be at peace. He really does have the whole world in His hands.

Key Thought: I can trust Jesus with what I can see and what I can’t see.

A Scripture to Consider: '…for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. ' Colossians 1:16 NLT

A YES Challenge: What about your personal challenges or world circumstances most troubles you right now? Write a few words on an index card that describe the situation and your response to it. Take that card, put it in an envelope and then seal the envelope as an indication that you are choosing to trust God with that situation.  

Prayer: Lord, You know what a struggle it is for me to trust You with the things I can’t see and don’t understand. I really want to know how things will turn out in advance. But those are the things that belong to You. You see it all because You created it, You control it, and in the end, You will get the glory. I choose to trust You because You are trustworthy. Amen.