The YES Adventure

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Why To Be The Best You

Do you ever wonder why you are on the earth? Rick Warren starts his book, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here for? with this statement: “It’s not about you.” It’s jarring to pick up a book about discovering my purpose in life and see those as the very first words. “It’s not about you.” Some readers might immediately snap the book closed saying, “Well, that’s not what I want to hear! What about self-fulfillment? Doesn’t God want me to be happy?” Of course he does, but God’s definition of happiness and yours might not line up with each other. Warren’s point is that ultimately my purpose in life, and yours, isn’t about being happy. It’s about fulfilling God’s design for life. Self-fulfillment and happiness will be found in the midst of seeking that purpose. So, whose ideas about happiness need to change? Yep! Yours and mine.

Then what is God’s idea of happiness? What is His design for life? God is happy when His people fulfill His purposes on the earth. Jesus pleased the Father by making His goal to fulfill the Father’s purpose. “Not my will but Yours be done.”(Mark 14:36 ) Hebrews 12 describes Jesus as the author and perfector of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) How did He do this? It says that Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. (Hebrews 12: 2) What was that joy? Our salvation: The restoration of hummanity’s relationship with God. God’s goal has always remained the same. He wants to see people restored to Himself. So then, your purpose and mine is going to be wrapped up in His purpose. What is God’s purpose? To restore people to Himself. What is your purpose? To restore people to God. Our mission is to help people on their journey of restoration. (Mark 16:15)  Wherever people are on their journey, your purpose and mine is to help them get closer to God.

You have gifts and talents given you by God to accomplish His purpose. Last week we talked about exploring your uniqueness and discovering your unique purpose by discovering how God made you. I encouraged you to be the best you. You know God better by knowing yourself better. If you have taken the time to explore your personality and gifting then it is time to realize that your abilities are not simply for your own satisfaction. God has gifted you so that you can help others on their journey towards Him.

You glorify God when you use your gifts to the best of your abilities. You demonstrate some aspect of His character through your talents and personality. If you are an artist or musician you show His beauty and creativity. If you are a nurse you demonstrate His compassion and healing. If you are a business manager you show His order and efficiency. Whatever it is that you are good at, you are good at it by His design. Whatever lens you see the world through, that vantage point is one aspect of how God sees the world. He has made you to show other people what He is like.

When you use your gifts to benefit others and for His glory you are fulfilling your purpose. God wants to love people through you. He wants to reach people through you. Whatever you do work, at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for people.(Colossians 3:23) When you do that you will find yourself also reaching people. You are meant to be a reflection, a glint of God’s glory, to the people around you. You aren’t responsible for how they react to it. Your responsibility is to become the best you so that He can love others through you. He is the One who works on their hearts. They are responsible for their own response.

What is your purpose in life? It’s not about you. Discovering your unique mission is about discovering the unique ways God wants to fulfill His purpose of restoring people to Himself through you. As you develop your gifts, talents and abilities, as you become the best you, God will be able to shine through You in accomplishing His mission. You will find that you are happy and fulfilled in accomplishing His purpose rather than your own. When you live for yourself, your life will be flat. When you live to benefit others for God’s glory your life becomes full of color.

God has given you gifts for the benefit of others. You are not your own, you belong to them because you belong to God. (1 Corinthinans 6:19, Romans 12:5) Be the best you so that others will be blessed and God will be glorified.

Key thought: You belong to others because you belong to God. 

A Scripture to consider:“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge:  Did you take time to discover your unique personality and spiritual gifts? If not, take a look at last week’s post (How To Be The Best You) and make use of the links at the very end. How might God want to use your unique personality, gifts and abilities to bless others?and make use of the links at the very end. How might God want to use your unique personality, gifts and abilities to bless others?

Prayer: Lord, I know that I am not my own. I belong to You. I hadn’t really considered that belonging to You means that I belong to others as well. You made me to bless others and bring You glory. Help me to make my life choices with that in mind. Bless others and be glorified through me. Amen.