The YES Adventure

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You Are What You Think

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23 NLT. 

Even into my adult years, I saw myself as a scared little girl. I was terrified of making mistakes. I had a deep fear of failure. My mom told me I would practice saying words in my crib before I ever used them publicly. The desire for excellence was in me from infancy!

But a desire for excellence easily and quickly became a fear of failure and a drive for perfection. Is perfection even possible for humans? Of course not! What does that mean? Failure was part of every effort to achieve perfection instead of excellence. How does one avoid failure and making mistakes? By choosing not to choose. Be deciding not to try. And that is what I often did.  

I became a hesitant and shy child. Although my heart longed to soar, I kept my feet on the ground and my wings safely tucked in. No flying, no failure. Or so I thought.

Those thoughts limited my ability to achieve the excellence I so desired. They kept me from becoming the person I wanted to become. They tied me down and made me a prisoner to my fears. That isn’t what I wanted for myself. And it isn’t what I want for you either.

So, where do we start to overcome the thoughts that hold us down? We start by accepting that you are what you think and to become who you want to be you must change the way you think. So, here’s why.

What you think determines your attitude.  Do certain things irritate you, but you aren’t sure where the irritation originates? “Why does this bug me so much?” That is the question to ask yourself. Being willing to ask that question will help to reveal your underlying attitudes. Answering that question will help you unlock what you think about the situation and the people involved.

Perhaps you are annoyed because you think that person should have known better, or that you should have been the one to handle it, or that you don’t really like the person or the leader. Or maybe they hit the nail right on the head and you don’t want to admit it. You may be harboring pride, unforgiveness, or any other ugly attitude you’d rather not deal with.

What you think feeds those ugly attitudes. Uncovering your thoughts will help you to address the attitudes that underly your actions.

Your attitude determines your action. If you have a negative attitude, how do you normally respond? You might resist doing what you have been asked to do or you might do it, but not well. I am more of a resister and a procrastinator when it comes to those situations. Eventually, I’ll do it as well as I can, but I won’t like it! What about you?

Your action might be to hurt someone who has hurt you because you believe they deserve it. Or you might say something you wish you hadn’t. You might say yes to a commitment that isn’t something you want to do or have time for because you are afraid of someone’s reaction. Say no to something you really want to do because you are afraid of failing or don’t want to make the effort. Your attitudes determine your actions.

How well do you recognize your own attitudes? Self-reflection doesn’t come naturally. We have to choose to take the time to evaluate our own thoughts, attitudes, and actions. What’s going on in there?

Your action determines your direction.  The thing about thoughts that lead to attitudes that lead to actions is that they determine your direction. If you want to change the direction your life is heading in, you must address the thoughts that underlie your attitudes and actions. Making the effort to do that won’t be easy, nor will what the Holy Spirit uncovers be easy to deal with. But when you make the effort and face your thoughts, you’ll be able to make course corrections that set you on the right path – the path that God has for you.

You can do this, my friend. It won’t be easy, but you want more than you have right now. You want to be someone that you aren’t right now. It really is possible to go further and do more, but it starts at the top. Your feet will go where your thoughts tell them to go. Your hands will do what your thoughts tell them to do. Your mouth speaks what your thoughts tell it to speak. Your thoughts determine all of it.

Where do you want your life to go? Who do you want to become? To be the person you want to be and do what you want to do you need to think the things that will get you there.

Key Question: How are your thoughts affecting your life right now?

A Scripture to Consider: “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23 NLT. 

A YES Challenge: Sit in silence for a few minutes and become aware of your self-talk. What are you saying to yourself? How are those thoughts affecting your ability to head in the direction you want to go? What thoughts will you work on changing?

Prayer: Father, I haven’t really taken time to evaluate my thoughts. I haven’t examined my attitudes and how they influence my actions. It’s a little scary to think about going deeper in examining how I think. But I want to be and do all that You have designed me to be and do. Help me to recognize how what I believe about myself, about others, and about You is influencing my attitudes and actions so that I can adjust my direction and head toward fulfilling the potential You have placed within me. Amen.