I'm one of those people who likes to have an inkling of the plan in advance. Some of you don't mind just going with the flow. In fact, you love NOT knowing what's going to happen. You are the kind of people more likely to be labeled adventurers than people like me. But even you have your limits, right? The truth is, our adventure, the one God has for us is ALWAYS going to be outside our comfort zone. Whatever your limits, your God-adventure is beyond those limits.
I've recently been reading about Moses. People who only know Moses from the movies (think Charlton Heston's trance-like return from the burning bush in The Ten Commandments ) .You may not realize that Moses was not too keen on the adventure God had for him. He really didn't want to leave Midian, go back to Egypt and be the agent of deliverance for God's people. Even after God assured him that He would be with him and provided Moses with miraculous signs to prove His presence, Moses had the gaul to tell God "Please send someone else!"(Exodus 4:13)
There have been plenty of times when I've been right there with Moses. The task in front of me is clear and it is obvious that this is the path that I am supposed to take, but everything in me is screaming "Please send someone else!"
A few years ago I was serving as a pastor on staff at a church with a Christian school. I had worked in the public school for ten years in a support position, but had never aspired to be a teacher and had no training as a teacher. In fact, I had changed my major in college because I chose NOT to be a classroom teacher. When I was approached about taking over the 9th grade Bible class in the Christian school for the last quarter of the year, it was a Moses moment. I knew that God was asking me to do it, but I sure wished He would send someone else!
The next few months were pretty difficult for me and the class but we made it through and the next year I had the opportunity to teach for the whole year. Some of my sweetest memories are of my 9th grade Bible class that year. They were a great group of kids and I discovered some things about myself that I wouldn't have found any other way. Like Moses, I found God's enabling enough, even in the face of my own insecurities and questions.
Are you facing a Moses moment right now? If not, it's just a matter of time. Don't beat yourself up for wishing God would send someone else when you know He's calling you. You're in good company. Eventually, God brought Moses to his YES. He'll do the same for you.
Key Thought: Your God-adventure is outside your comfort zone.
A Scripture to consider: Isaiah 41:10
"So do not fear; for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will stregthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Lord, I know in my soul that You are calling me to step outside my comfort zone. You have more for me than I am experiencing right now, but I am truthfully afraid of what will happen if I step out. I know that You have promised me Your presence. Help me to accept that as enough. I want to live my God-adventure. I want to fulfill my unique mission on the earth. Help me to do it! Amen.