Where Am I Going?

I hate not knowing where I am or where I'm going. Maybe you love just getting in the passenger seat and letting the driver drive. You enjoy the ride without ever knowing where you're going. Not me! It's not that I don't trust the driver, usually my husband, it's that I just like to know where I am. I actually enjoy following along on a map and anticipating the sights and stops along the way. I enjoy it, but it also gives me a sense of security to have an inkling of the whole picture and where I'm going to end up.

But when God is in the driver's seat of life, and He is whether we acknowledge it or not, He doesn't always clue us in on the destination or the route. What seems like a terrible miscalculation or detour is often the route specifically chosen to help me become the person God intended me to be. As I rely on Him in the midst of the confusion or pain or insecurity I invite Him to shape my character into the image of Jesus Christ. God's ultimate destination for you and me is the image of Christ reflected in our responses. He keeps His eternal goal in mind. My goal is usually a temporal one of comfort and security.

Not knowing where I am in life no longer scares me. I still don't like it much, but there is something I've learned to rest in: God knows where I am and where I'm going. He knows where He's taking me. So,  I'm learning to relax and enjoy the ride.

How about you?

Key Thought: God knows where I am and where I'm going, even if I don't.

A Scripture to Consider: Psalm 139:16
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

A YES Challenge: How can you relax and trust where God is taking you today?

Father, I want to trust You. I want to trust that Your plan for me is good. I want to believe that You know what You're doing and it's ultimately going to be okay. But the truth is that I am struggling inside. The insecurity of not knowing often overwhelms me and it becomes hard to see You at work. Stay close by. Open my eyes to see Your hand at work, even in the midst of not knowing, I choose to let You do Your work in my character. Make me more like Jesus. Let my goal be Your goal for me. Amen.