The YES Adventure

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Look Beyond The Surface. God Is With You!

Photo credit: Port Jervis Tourism

So, what was it you really wanted to accomplish this year? Way back in January, you probably had some idea of what you hoped would happen and how you hoped to grow in the new year. Something about the new year makes us feel like a fresh start is in order. And here we are now at the end of the year. Something about the end of the year makes us want to look back and evaluate. I have begun to do some evaluating. How about you?

As you look back on this year, what kind of progress have you made toward your goals, written or unwritten? This year, I feel like I have made some progress, but I don’t always feel that way. It’s easy to come to the year’s end and feel that you have made zero progress. You haven’t accomplished what you had hoped. You are still struggling with some of the same flaws. Circumstances are just not where you’d like them. But is zero progress really accurate?

I want to encourage you to look deeper and look further. Look beyond the surface and see God, not what looks like your failure. The Scriptures make clear that He is at work in us, giving us the desire to do what pleases Him, but also empowering and enabling us to do what pleases Him. (Philippians 2:13) Regardless of what you and I accomplish or don’t accomplish, God is working. Always. Without fail. There is progress happening because God is at work.

So, instead of looking at yourself to see how you fall short, why not look at yourself to see how God has worked in you? What have you done this year that really pleased Him? Where have you gone? Whom have you touched? How have you changed? Any progress is because He has been at work in you. To miss where you have progressed is to miss God’s work in you. Don’t miss Him!

God is at work in you. He is with you. In order to evaluate progress you need to look back and look within. Think back to where you were a year ago. What were you struggling with? Okay, I know that you still may be struggling in the same area, but how is your struggle different than it was? How has your perspective shifted? My friend, I guarantee that you have come further than you think. I can guarantee it, because our God is with you. He knows what He wants for you and He is persistent. He won’t give up. So, no matter what you may still be struggling with, you have made progress because He is with you.

God is inspiring your desire to please Him. He is with you. Progress begins at the point of desire. What is it that you really want to do and be for God? That desire, that goal, that place that you want to arrive at, was placed in you by God Himself. Just the fact that you want to get there is evidence that God is with you. Be encouraged by your desire to please Him. He has put that desire in you and He will help you accomplish it.

Most importantly, God is giving you the ability to do what pleases Him. God is with you. We all stumble and slip in so many ways, but we stumble forward. Every success, no matter how small, is evidence that God is with you. He is the One who enables us to move forward at all. You have made progress. You have moved forward. You have stumbled, yes, but you haven’t stopped. I love this quote: “There is no failure. Only learning.” You have learned so much. You haven’t failed! God is the One who has brought you this far and He will bring you all the way to the end.

Dear One, your successes are because of His empowering. Don’t focus on your inadequacies. Focus on His strength within you. You have come further and are stronger than you realize because you have His strength within you. Don’t just say it. Believe it and live it. God is faithful and He will continue His good work in you until the end. (Philippians 1:6)

God is at work in you. God is inspiring your desire. God is giving you His ability. God is with you.

Key Thought: You have made more progress than you think because God is with you.

A Scripture to consider: “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge; Take some time to pray and look back. Make a list of what You have accomplished for God this year, no matter how small. Think about progress you have made in one area of weakness and write it down. As you review your success, take time to thank God for His work in you.

Prayer: Lord, as I look back, I can begin to see Your hand at work in me. I see the desires that You have placed within me, the desire to do what pleases You, to be who You want me to be. I see Your work in me, in spite of all my struggles and failures. I see the progress You have allowed me to make. Thank You, Lord, for being so faithful! I will keep my eyes on You instead of my weaknesses and slip-ups. Amen!