The YES Adventure

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Who’s Responsible For This Mess?

“For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬ 

I don’t know about you, but I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable just thinking about checking the news headlines. Whether it’s the latest COVID numbers, the 2020 election, natural disasters or injustice reaching the boiling point, it seems like every headline emphasizes the pain of living in this broken world. There is so much that is wrong with the world right now that it can become overwhelming. Am I the only one who feels this way? I expect not. 

I know that some people take on every one of those headlines like a boulder in a backpack. They feel the weight and struggle to get through each day. That weight may feel like depression, but it can also feel like anger. Or anxiety. Maybe your brain tries to imagine every outcome, none of which are very comforting. 

Of course, there are others who totally ignore any negative feelings and just skip to speaking the positives. You know, “God is in control!” Well, He is. There is no doubt about that, but there are times when making that positive declaration isn’t really a statement of faith. There are times when the right words are spoken as a way to deny the insecurity we all experience as part of our humanity. Being human is a risky occupation. Especially in a time like 2020, we are constantly reminded that being human has it’s limits. There is pretty much nothing that we have control over. Well, there is one thing I do have control over: Me. And the one thing you have control over: You. 

So, what can we do? What can i do in the midst of all this uncertainty? What is my role in this historically unparalleled time? What is yours? If the only thing that we have control over is ourselves, how do we focus our thoughts and energy? What do we do to take responsibility for that one thing?

Do what you can. God only holds you and I responsible for what we can do. We can take action where appropriate. When it comes to the election, we pray and we vote according to our conscience. There is nothing else that we have control over, right? Oh, and when we pray, we need to watch out that our prayers don’t become telling God what to do. You know what I mean. Those prayers that tell God exactly how we think things should turn out and then expect Him to do it our way. When we pray, we pray that He will be glorified. That His will be done. Even if His will doesnt look like my will. 

In regard to the pandemic, I will do what I can to keep myself and others safe, but I refuse to live in fear. I will not put my life on hold until it all blows over, although I hope and pray that it resolves as quickly as possible. I will wash my hands, wear a mask, etc, etc. But I will continue to live and love and serve to the best of my ability. I will do what I can and let go of what I can’t. As difficult and uncomfortable as it may be, I will embrace the limits of my humanity. God is God. I am not. Simple? Yes. A cliche? Maybe. But it is the absolute truth and if I can live in that truth, not just say it, then I am taking responsibility for what I can take responsibility for and letting God be responsible for everything that only He can be responsible for. 

Let go of what I can’t do. I can’t control the outcome of the election. I can’t control how other people react to what is being said and done in the political arena. I can’t control how other people respond to the pandemic or the natural disasters or injustice. I can’t fix all the problems. Even the ones that affect my own little piece of the world. I cannot even fix me. But I can be responsible for recognizing the parts of me that need fixing and bring them to God. I can be self-aware enough to say, “God, I can’t do even this. Help!” 

My tendency is to try to research and understand something so that I can figure out how to respond. Sometimes that really is a helpful way for me to processes all that is happening. But I am realizing that all my research and attempts at understanding are very often an acceptable way to try to feel like I have some control. When it becomes clear to me, perhaps a whisper of the Holy Spirit, that I am in “trying-to-control” mode, then  I have to back up and let God show me myself. (Psalm 139: 23-24) I need Him to show me what letting go looks like.

Watch my attitude as well as my actions. That’s the hard part, isn't it? When I hear certain news sound bytes I can feel the anger rising up in me. You too? Okay, then. It’s good to know that I am not alone in that. We may react to different things, but we still react, don’t we? However, what you and I do with that reaction is just as important as what we do with our hand sanitizer or our vote. If I let those feelings stew and bubble, then, like a pot on the stove, it will spill over onto everything and make a hard-to-clean-up mess. Or I can talk to God about it and let Him help me process and resolve my feelings. I am responsible for my response, just as you are responsible for your response. Regardless of who said or did whatever, I am only responsible for me. If I do all the right things on the outside, but am holding onto anger and bitterness, even fear and anxiety, on the inside, then I am not fulfilling my ultimate purpose. What is that? To reflect the character of Christ. Ultimately, you and I exist to bring glory to God by allowing Him to transform us into the image of His dear Son. (Romans 8:29) What a high and difficult calling that is! But keeping that the goal is my responsibility. No one else’s.

Maybe what I am saying today is familiar to you. You might be saying, “Yeah, yeah. Nothing new here.” But, if that is so, then I hope that this serves to remind you and keep you focused. If this is a new idea for you, then I hope that it comforts and steadies you. The next time you see one of those headlines, you can remind yourself, “God’s got everything else. I only need to be responsible for me.” 

Key thought: I can only be responsible for me. 

A Scripture to consider: “For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES challenge: Take some time in God’s presence to ask yourself this question: What am I trying to be responsible for that I need to let go of? Process it with God and let Him help you to release it into His care. 

Prayer: Lord, there is so much going on in the world right now. There is so much that is out of my control. Forgive me for the times when I let the anxiety of uncertainly take over. Help me to take responsibility for myself, my actions and my attitudes. Let all that I do in every situation bring glory to Your matchless Name. Amen.