The YES Adventure

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Anxiety or Peace?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NLT


“I’m not anxious. I’m trusting God!” I want that to be true. But I know that what I want and what I am experiencing don’t always line up. What about you?

Years ago, God gave me an anxiety indicator. I felt like my tongue was swollen and asked for prayer. The Holy Spirit showed my pastor that I was rubbing my tongue against my teeth because of anxiety. That was a surprise! After that, I learned to recognize that tension in my jaw is an anxiety indicator.

You and I know peace is possible, but how do we move past anxiety and get to peace?

What are your anxiety indicators? Part of making our way to peace is to recognize anxiety. As I shared, when I notice tension in my jaw and neck, I know that anxiety is present. My brain may not be busy, but my body tells me the truth.

Sometimes my brain is busy trying to solve problems. You too? My busy brain might look like this: Recurring thoughts trying to resolve something that is or is not my responsibility to fix. It might be about money or relationships, the future or the present. It might even be about world events. The world is full of people and people have problems that need solving. But those problems are not usually my responsibility. Or yours. I have learned that mentally trying to solve a problem is my attempt to control it.  Control is not trust, is it? In fact, the desire to control is a peace-stealer.

How do you release control and gain peace? I once heard someone say that anxiety results when I want to control something that is God’s to control, and peace comes from releasing control to God. Here’s an easy way to summarize it: A-C=P. In other words, Anxiety – Control = Peace.

If I feel anxious, I ask myself: What am I trying to control? How can I release that to God?

Easier said than done, I know. But the first step is to peace is acknowledging the anxiety and the desire to control to yourself and then bring it to God. When you and I bring our anxious thoughts and desire to control to God it’s a form of worship. Really! Being honest with God is worship because it acknowledges that He is the one with the power. It means that you or I step away from the steering wheel and let Him do the driving. When we acknowledge God as God that is worship.

What does peace look like? Peace comes when I leave the outcome to Him. If I am anxious, it is about the outcome, not the situation itself. Peace comes when I trust. Trust is ready to accept any outcome. That is when peace settles in like cloud cover.

Clouds seem to make the world a bit smaller. Although we prefer the expanse of blue skies and the warmth of sunshine, “peace clouds” call us to a cozy, indoor day where we are safe and comfortable. Ominous dark clouds are different. They call us to prepare for a storm. “Peace clouds” bring a gentle rain that refreshes vegetation and clears the air.

Dear Friend, you and I fail to trust God often. It’s a fact. But don’t be discouraged. God understands our weakness. That’s why He encourages our trust over and over. He knows trust leads to peace.

God has given you and I trust as a goal and then tells us how to work on it. Pray. Bring your anxious thoughts and desire to control into His loving and forgiving presence. Thank Him for His past faithfulness. Enjoy His presence now and trust Him for the future faithfulness you can depend on. Then peace will settle in.

 Key Question: How do I move past anxiety to peace?

A Scripture to Consider: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

A YES Challenge: Ask God to show you any “anxiety indicators.” What outcomes are you trying to control? Take some time of honest prayer to release control to God.  

Prayer: Father, I thank You for giving me anxiety indicators. Help me to recognize them and pay attention. Show me how my desire to control outcomes is leading to anxiety. Help me to bring my anxiety to You and trust You regardless of how things work out. I need the peace that only You can give. Amen.