The YES Adventure

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Are You An Example Worth Following?

“Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

"I want to be like you when I grow up." Those are some of the most gratifying and terrifying words that you and I might ever hear! Whether you are a parent or simply an important person in the life of a child, those words can lift you up and horrify you at the same time. You are encouraged that this little one sees something in you that they want to emulate, but you are suddenly aware of every bad decision, every wrong choice, every way that your example is not...well...exemplary. You start to question if being like you would be a good thing. You ask yourself, "Am I an example worth following?"

In a letter to his friends living in Phillipi, the apostle Paul has given them examples to follow. He starts with Jesus, our ultimate example, and moves on to some other people they know, but later on in the letter he appeals to their love for him and uses himself as an example. What a bold move! He believes that they will find the joy, peace, clarity and contentment they need as they let his priorities be a pattern for them. Can you imagine that?!

Take a moment to consider: Who in your life needs a godly example? Could you be the example they need? What would it take for you to be as bold as Paul and invite them to follow you? What do you need to do in order to be ready to make that invitation?

Let's start here.

Examine your patterns. Consider the patterns in your own life. When that little one declares their decision to emulate you, that's one of the first things that happens naturally, doesn't it? Start there. What are the habits that help you stay grounded in God? What habits draw you away from Him? Evaluate and adjust your habits. Develop a systematic and steady commitment to Christ in all things. Let your time demonstrate your priority: Jesus.

Learn from the patterns of others. Paul encourages his friends to see how his example is guiding others and then to learn from them. Who in your life is setting an example of faithfully following Christ? Think about their personal patterns and the results they produce, but also watch how others they influence are living after their example and learn from those people as well.

Who would you like to model your life after? It’s so valuable to learn from others. Be humble enough to recognize your need to learn from people.

I have been blessed to learn from several godly examples.

Sharon was one who cultivated an intimate love for Jesus that spilled over into love for others. She loved the word of God and spoke with boldness and authority.

Penelope has learned to live life with joy. Despite challenges and heartbreaks, because her anchor is deep in Jesus she always finds a reason to laugh and enjoy life.

Ginny has learned how to walk through fire and not smell of smoke. She relentlessly pursues Jesus through questions and trials. Her eyes are firmly fixed on the prize.

Who are the examples you are already following and what have you learned from them?

Intentionally set a pattern worth following. Setting an example is your choice. Following your example is their choice. Identify people that you want to influence. Your kids, your friends, your neighbors, others in church. As you examine, learn and develop your own spiritual habits, your patterns of faith, keep those people in mind. Whether or not they follow your example is up to them, but setting the example is up to you. You never really know who is watching you, but they are. Be intentional.

I learned this by accident after a tremendously difficult season in our lives. When a prolonged personal struggle brought about a loss of position and ministry, Tom and I considered leaving the church we were a part of. Staying put after such loss seemed too painful to endure. Yet, we became convinced that God wanted us to stay. So, we did. Over time the pain subsided, the struggle resolved and we were able to move forward with life. The ministry and position weren't restored, but we were no longer living in pain...thank God!

After a year, I was chatting with a woman who was a member of the children's ministry team we had been leading prior to the loss. This team had been able to maintain the ministry after we stepped down and had continued to serve faithfully. That is what I knew, but what I didn't know shocked me and made me aware that I am being watched more than I realize. My friend said these words that opened my eyes, "If you had left, we would have left."

In the midst of my own pain, I wanted to leave the church. God, knew that our leaving would have had a domino effect that would have destroyed all that we had built and would have caused great pain to many in that congregation. I couldn't see that at the time. My friend would not have been able to see that. But God could. What if we had disobeyed His voice and left the church? Who would have followed that example and what effect would it have had? I am so grateful that we stayed.

Dear Friend, there is someone in your life right now that could speak those words to you, "I want to be like you when I grow up." It might be a child, but it might be co-worker, neighbor or someone you serve with. As you evaluate your own patterns, choose to learn from the example of others and choose to set a pattern worth following, remember that someone is always watching you. You have more influence than you think in the lives of those around you. Are you ready to invite someone to follow your example? Be an example worth following. It matters because you matter.

Key Thought: Someone is always watching you. Be an example worth following.

A Scripture to Consider: “Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A YES Challenge: Consider who it is that you most want to influence by your example. Evaluate your daily patterns. How can you make your relationship with Jesus a higher priority in your daily routines?

Prayer: Lord, I want You to be the main focus of my life. I want all my routines and patterns to be infused with Your presence so that when others see my habits, they see an example worth following. Help me to discipline myself. Help me to keep my focus on You. Amen.