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Can Faith and Doubt Coexist?

“The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24 NLT

The Scripture above is one of my favorite prayers. I suppose I should be embarrassed to admit that. A person of faith never doubts, right? Wrong! People of faith often doubt, but many of us have been taught to ignore doubts. However, when we ignore our doubts and say we believe something because we think we should, we cross into forbidden territory. The name of that territory is Lie. It is a lie to declare I believe something I actually doubt. So, what is the balance? Can faith and doubt co-exist? What if the answer is yes?

What does it look like when faith and doubt co-exist?

Faith speaks truth. Speaking truth has two sides when it comes to faith. I can speak the truth of God’s Word. I can declare that what God says is true without a doubt.

But truth must also admit doubt. The doubt may be about how the truth is to be expressed. Perhaps the doubt lies in interpretation and application. What if you doubt the Scriptures are the Word of God? All those years. So many human authors. How could it be trustworthy? If that is where you stand, then faith must speak it to God. Perhaps your honesty is “I believe God is real, but I am not sure He communicates with people. I am not sure that the Scriptures are the Word of God.” Then your faith prayer could become, “Lord, help me to believe that You speak and show me I can trust the Scriptures.”

Faith must speak truth. God can handle it.

Faith trusts enough to acknowledge doubt.  “Often wrong. Never in doubt.” There are those people who truly believe they are always right…but they aren’t. They confidently speak as if they alone are the truthkeepers. That is misguided faith. They may be wrong, but they don’t doubt.

Most of us are not so confident. At least, I know I am not. Especially when it comes to matters of faith.

I believe the Scriptures are true. That is not in question. I believe. But I need God’s help to expect to see them fulfilled. How does God want to manifest healing I can see? How will He provide for our needs? Will He do a miracle in my current situation?

God is more than able. I have no doubts about that. Yet I am not always sure how my faith should be applied to a circumstance. I know what I would like Him to do. However, I have learned that the most powerful prayers are prayers according to His will. Those are the prayers that will certainly be answered. What does God’s will look like right here and now?

When tragedy strikes, or life seems to take a U-turn, all kinds of doubts are raised. “Why did this happen? It’s not supposed to be like this. God, this seems to contradict what I thought You promised me.”

It is honest to admit doubt. Admitting doubt does not cancel faith. It takes more faith to be honest with God than to say what you think He wants to hear. Faith trusts, even in doubt. Faith acknowledges questions and trusts that God has an answer even if I can’t see it right now. This gives me comfort in my doubts.

Take all your questions to God and ask Him to show you how to believe right here and now. He doesn’t fear your doubts.

Faith hopes for doubts to diminish. Not every question will be answered this side of heaven. That is a hard truth to accept. Our instant-answer, internet-search culture is used to a few clicks explaining anything. But faith implies unanswered questions. Faith is all about trust. Trust is how we express faith. Trust is expressed in hope. Hope is confident expectation.

I trust that God will answer my doubts. I don’t know when, but I believe that He will. I trust that God will come through for me and those I love. I don’t know what it will look like, but I believe that resolution is coming. I expect it. That is hope.

So, what do I do when the answers are delayed, or the situation worsens?  How does faith co-exist with doubt that problems will be resolved? I must have the faith to bring my doubts to God. I must ask Him to help me honor Him with trust. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.

Dear Friend, what you are going through may be excruciatingly difficult. I am so sorry that you are facing such a challenge. Bring any doubts to God. If you doubt His goodness, then tell Him. If you doubt His power, then speak it. Dump all your doubts in His lap as an offering of faith. You demonstrate your faith by bringing them to Him and trusting Him to answer.

He will answer your doubts with the assurance of His presence. That is the answer we need most. What does it look like when faith and doubt co-exist? Like the father in the Scripture, we acknowledge our doubt and ask for help to believe.

Key Question: Can faith and doubt co-exist?

A Scripture to Consider: “The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24 NLT

A YES Challenge: Set a timer for 10 minutes to “sit with what is” in God’s presence. Do any doubts rise to the surface? Offer those doubts to God as an act of worship and ask Him to help you overcome them.

Prayer: Father, I do believe. I believe You are who You say You are and You will do what You say You will do. I believe the Scriptures are Your true Word to humanity. I believe that Jesus was born, crucified, died, and resurrected. But, Father, I know there are holes in my belief. There are gaps where doubt creeps into those spaces. Give me faith to be honest with You. Lord, I do believe. Help me to overcome my unbelief. Amen.