The YES Adventure

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Confidently Expect the Light

My husband and I recently took a train to New York City. For many years we had traveled the beautiful Hudson Line along its namesake river and the turns, tunnels and stops had become familiar. This was our first time on the Port Jervis Line which originates in our little city of Port Jervis and travels through a totally different landscape than what we had been through before. I always love looking out the window to take in the changing scenery. The views along the Hudson Line had often been breathtaking. I wondered what we would see on our new venture.

When you don’t know what to expect, you don’t know what to look for. We traveled through woods and open fields and stopped at small stations in the middle of nowhere. Occasionally, the view would open into a beautiful vista, but in general there was a great deal of sameness to what I saw surrounding us. I settled into the rhythm of what seemed would be the rest of our trip. All of a sudden we entered total blackness. We continued to move forward. Our speed didn’t change, but there was nothing in view. We seemed to simply be floating in the void. No proof that we would ever come out of the black.  It came upon me unexpectedly. I wasn’t prepared for the darkness and as we continued through it I began to feel trapped. It seemed like we had been in this emptiness for so long. Where was the daylight? When would we see it again? I reminded myself that there was a definite point of entrance into this black and there would be a definite exit. We were still continuing on the track, still headed toward our destination and the gray that had turned into black would transition to blue sky again. I began to look with expectation for the glimmer of light that would signal our emergence from the tunnel. The trapped feeling began to lift as I regained my confidence that this tunnel would end and we would re-enter the daylight.

Life is like that, isn’t it? We are traveling along and all of a sudden darkness overtakes us and we wonder when we will ever see light again. We forget that God has still got us on the track and we will reach the destination He has planned for us. In the midst of our trials it can feel like they will never end, like this is our life from now on. It can be hard to remember to hope.

We often use the word “hope” to mean “wish”.“I hope we have a white Christmas.” “I hope we have a sunny day for the party.” “I hope you feel better soon.” It’s something that we would like to happen, but have no control over. A nice thought. But Biblical hope is something so much stronger and so much more definite. It means that we are confidently expecting that God will come through, regardless of what things look like right now. It’s like a rope that we cling to as we are hanging on the edge of a cliff. Biblical hope is what gets us through the difficult times. Biblical hope means that in the midst of the black tunnel we keep looking for the light knowing that it WILL appear.

When you and I choose to put our hope in God, to trust His promises, when we choose to expect that He will do what He says He will do, then something extraordinary happens. The Holy Spirt steps in and begins to do something with that hope. He expands it and causes it to grow until the hope within us overflows us, surrounds us and spills over onto the people around us. He takes that trust and builds a foundation of hope. What we see around us may not change. Hope that is seen is not hope. (Romans 8:24) If what we are expecting to happen was unfolding before our eyes that would not be hope. When we expect what is not visible that is hope born of faith. Faith is trust that God is who He says He is and will do what He says he will do.

What is it like when I have no hope?I look at the reality of the situation and stop there. Perhaps my kids are not making good choices, a family member is hurting or hurting me, my job is a struggle or depression envelops me and clouds my vision. When I have no hope I focus on the situation as it is and leave God out of it. When I begin to look at God and remember His promises - that He will never leave me or forsake me, that He is working all things together for my good, that He knows the end from the beginning, that I am loved with an everlasting love - and when I choose to believe that those things are true, then something begins to change in me. I begin to see things differently in the present and I begin to expect the future to be different. I start to see God’s hand now and expect Him to come through going forward. I might not have a specific end in mind, but I believe that He WILL do something and that it will be for my good and His glory.

I don’t know what you are going through right now. It may seem extremely dark.The blackness may be so thick that you almost despair of the sun ever rising again. As you watch your current situation get continually worse you may feel like this is the way it is always going to be. You may be walking through one of the most difficult and stressful times in your life. You might feel like you just can’t catch a break. Take heart. As you turn your eyes to God, to His Word, to His promises, He will begin to restore your hope. He will give you a rope to hold onto as the storm rages around you and He will hold you there. The Holy Spirit will blow on the little fire of hope within you and cause it to grow. The fire of hope will be a light in your darkness. When there is light in darkness, the darkness can not overcome it. (John 1:5 ) The time of weeping endures only for the night, but joy will come in the morning. (Psalms 30:5 ). There is a definite exit from your tunnel of darkness. Confidently expect the light.

Key thought: The Holy Spirit produces Hope in me as I choose to trust God.

A Scripture to consider: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A YES challenge: Are you in the midst of a dark time right now? If not, think back to a time that you went through. Think about when the darkness began. Remind yourself that, like the tunnel, there is a definite entrance and a definite exit from the darkness. Every trial does have an end. Ask God to help you to keep trusting Him through to the end.

Prayer: Lord, sometimes my times of darkness overwhelm me. I forget that there will be an end. Help me to remember that You are the light in my darkness and You know the end from the beginning. Help me to put my trust in You, Your goodness and Your plan for me. Amen.