The YES Adventure

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Find Your Joy Through Trust

“Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.” Proverbs 16:20 NLT

 Do you ever struggle to find your joy? Where does joy go when times are trying? What if the key to finding your joy is to uncover your trust?

The Inside Out movies from Disney and Pixar are among the most insightful pieces of cinema I’ve encountered. The animated films explore how emotions affect our choices. One key takeaway is that all emotions are valuable, even the ones we would like to skip.

Joy is the primary character in the stories. Joy is often trying to take the lead and squelch any of the more difficult emotions, but Joy, Sadness, Anger, Anxiety, Embarrassment, and all the other emotions learn that Joy can’t always be in control. Yet, as Joy relinquishes the lead, she doesn’t disappear. She remains a significant part of painful memories as well as the difficult present.

How does this relate to trust? Trust accepts whatever God gives and believes it will turn out for good. Trust doesn’t try to control the outcome but walks through the situation with peace. And when Trust is in control Joy is never far away.

Trust listens with humility. One of the mis-messages I picked up as a child is that I should just know how to do things. Expectations were rarely explained, but I knew when expectations were not met. My unconscious practice became a constant and unattainable quest to anticipate and meet expectations. I felt I should simply know how to do things without ever being taught. I was extremely frustrated when I had to learn how to do something. Pride protected the fear of disappointing expectations.

It has taken years to unlearn that practice. I have always loved learning, but learning was often a preemptive activity to make sure I knew what to do when the time came to meet someone’s expectations. It was often difficult to receive instructions because that meant I was not ready to meet those unknown expectations. I am still working on it.

I still love learning and have come to accept learning in the moment. Realizing that I unreasonably expect myself to already know has helped me to let go of the pride protecting the fear. I continue to learn to listen, learn and grow.

Trust helps me flourish.  Proverbs 16:20 (above) states that those who “listen to instructions will prosper.” We associate the word “prosper” with finances. That is certainly accurate, but prospering is so much more. To prosper comes from a Latin word meaning “to do well.” It can mean to do well financially, physically or any other way. It means to flourish.

“Flourish” paints a different picture. One of green fields full of flowers or thriving crops. It describes health, growth, even happiness. That’s what I want to do. I want to flourish. Don’t you? If we want to flourish, we must practice trust. Trust listens, learns, and prospers with joy.

Trust leads to joy.  What prevents joy? Trying to control outcomes. There is no joy in attempting to control something you can’t command. Can someone be joyful in a difficult time or a time of sadness? Can joy and sadness co-exist? Yes!

Joy is a state of being, not just a feeling. A joyful person is full of joy. What is joy? An emotion of happiness. Joy is a state of trust and peace. Joy is a face turned toward the sun, smiling at the warmth and receiving all the pleasures and benefits of sunlight.

Joy is a settled-ness that results from trust. Without trust, there is no joy. Joy receives and expects that things are working for good and accepts the inability to control.

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. I describe “fruit” in this case as evidence. Joy is evidence that the Spirit is in charge, not me. A Spirit-controlled life will be joyful. A Spirit-controlled life is a life of surrender, yielding, and trust. How to have joy? Trust the Lord. I understand. That is easier said than done.

Dear Friend, what you are experiencing may be difficult. You may want to ignore your more difficult emotions, like Sadness, Anger, or Anxiety. But I suspect you will find your attempts don’t invite Peace or Joy into the situation. Trust is a good friend of Peace and Joy. What if you let Trust guide you through your difficult season? Joy and Peace will join you on the journey through the darkness. As Trust guides, you will flourish.

 Key Question: How does trust lead to joy?

A Scripture to Consider: “Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.” Proverbs 16:20 NLT

A YES Challenge: What difficult emotions are you attempting to squelch? Sit with those feelings for a few moments. If you can, sit with your palms open as an expression of emotional receptivity. When you are ready offer God a prayer of release and trust. If you are comfortable, lift your hands as an expression of yielding and offering.

Prayer: Lord, I am doing my best to listen to You and trust You. You want me to prosper in every way. My joy is found in doing Your will. Help me trust that You are at work, even when things are difficult. Help me accept my negative emotions and recognize that joy can still be present when I struggle. Amen.