The YES Adventure

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How’s Your Follow-Through?

Over the years I have had some really creative ideas. I could be so proud of me for having them, but the truth is, many of those idas have never gone anywhere. Don’t get me wrong, there are some things that I am working on and are getting done more slowly than I would like, but there are other things that were just ideas. I never followed through.

I want to be someone whose word is reliable. I want to be known as someone who follows through, but the truth is that I often say that I will do something for my husband and then I forget. I really want to do it. I just get distracted. I know it’s human. We all have weaknesses. True. Very true. But this idea of being someone reliable, a person who follows through, someone who can be depended on, that is a God thing. Follow through is really important to Him.

As a follower of Jesus, my goal must be to reflect His character in the way I live. That includes my relationships with the people in my world, not just my family, but those I work with or have casual contact with as well. Part of His character is that He can be depended on to follow through. He is reliable and trustworthy. He will do everything, I mean EVERYTHING, that He says He will do. That’s what we mean when we declare that He is faithful. He will never fail to follow through on His Word. So, what about me? What about you? How’s your follow through? Are we reliable, dependable, trustworthy, faithful? Maybe not so much, at least, not as much as we would like to be.

You and I have been given a trust. God has given us time, abilities, materials. God expects us to use them well and not just for our own good. When we do the best we can with what He has entrusted to us, He gets the glory because then we look like Him. We reflect His character. That is called stewardship. A steward takes care of what they’ve been entrusted with, knowing that it doesn’t belong to them. Faithfulness is one of the most important characteristics of a steward.

My favorite illustration of a faithful steward is found in the move, Ben Hur. Judah Ben-Hur is a wealthy young Jew living in Jerusalem at the time of Christ. When we first meet his steward, Simonides, he is bringing his master the yearly accounting. The steward managed everything that belonged to Judah Ben Hur. He was trusted to invest, save, negotiate, to represent the family in all business transactions. Judah smiles at the yearly accounting and says that every year he finds himself wealthier because of his steward’s good service. Simonides states that his life belongs to the house of Hur. As Judah’s family enters into a time of loss and turmoil, Simonides remains true to the family. He will not betray them even through torture and personal loss. He protects what he can for his master. He follows through on his commitment to serve the house of Hur through every challenge that he faces.

Faithfulness is actually a rare characteristic in our current culture. People don’t keep their word. They don’t show up. They don’t work hard. They don’t protect the interests of the organizations they work for. They are not loyal. Vows are not honored. This is why marriages dissolve and friendships don’t last. Positions change for personal advantage. The sad thing is that, instead of reflecting godly character, the same statements are true of many within the church. Faithfulness is so rare that we often may not notice our own unfaithfulness.

So now, when I step back to look at my own life, how faithful am I to my Master? Am I following through and protecting alll that has been entrusted to me? Am I truly putting His needs before my own? Am I caring for all that He has given me, including relationships? We have been entrusted with a message. How am I keeping the message safe? Does my behavior elevate the message or tear it down? Am I investing myself so that the message of Christ increases in the earth? Am I representing the owner of the message well? Can He count on me to bring more treasure into His kingdom?

Part of being faithful to Him is how I treat the people in my life. Can others count on me to keep my word? To act with honesty and integrity? To show up when I say I will be there? To represent Christ well in every circumstance, every relationship?

When it comes to living my life for Christ, faithfulness is a core value. Nothing of value is accomplished in life without it. We live in a fickle society. Sadly, even believers can not be counted on to stay put, to work hard, to be dependable, to keep their commitments, to be reliable, trustworthy, honest and accountable. I want to have a solid character that can be depended on to live what I say I believe, to do the work that I say I will do, to follow through with honesty and integrity. I want to be faithful. And I need help. Thankfully, God has provided the help I need. The Holy Spirit is the one that develops faithfulness. It is not possible to be completely faithful, selflessly reliable and trustworthy, without the Holy Spirit. When we allow Him to work within us we will more accurately mirror this characteristic of Christ. He improves our follow-through.

Key thought: Faithfulness follows through with honesty and integrity.

A Scripture to consider: “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

A YES challenge: What is one area of your life where you know you need to be more faithful? Who is depending on you? How can you better reflect the character of Christ in that area? What will you do today to help you follow through?

Prayer: Father, I want to be found faithful. I want to be a good steward of all that you have given me, the material gifts as well as the spiritual abilities. Help me to rely on your Holy Spirit to grow my character so that I can be depended on to see things through to the end. When I breathe my final breath, I want to hear you say, “Well done, good and faithful one.” I need the power of your Holy Spirit in order to reach that goal. Amen.