The YES Adventure

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Just Being There is Enough: The Ministry of Presence

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NLT

 I have been thinking a lot about the “ministry of presence.” My husband is a chaplain, and the term is used frequently in chaplaincy circles. I’m a researcher, so curiosity leads me to look it up with my good friends: Search engines and books. I tried to find the origin of the term but came up empty. Still, many search results had the term in the title. Even scanning those titles and articles helped me crystallize my thoughts. So, here are some conclusions.

My presence is ministry when it is an expression of Christ’s love. American society is all about problem-solving and productivity. But the only problem Jesus came to solve was the problem of sin that separates us from relationship with God. He did not come to solve my relational or financial problems although He might. Jesus’ most productive act was His death. His death was an expression of love that opened the door to relationship and brought life.

My presence is ministry when I lay down my needs, wants, and desires as a bridge for others to get closer to God. Jesus’ sacrifice demonstrates what love looks like. He became our bridge to God. You and I are called to do the same for others.

Presence shares the burden and doesn’t try to fix the problem.  Job’s friends started well by doing this for Job. They heard of his troubles and decided to come to him.

“When they saw Job from a distance, they scarcely recognized him. Wailing loudly, they tore their robes and threw dust into the air over their heads to show their grief. Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words.” Job 2:12-13 NLT

They started with the ministry of presence. They mourned for and with Job and said nothing. They didn’t try to fix anything or answer the question of why. They just shared Job’s anguish. But…that didn’t last long.

Grief. Sadness. Confusion. Anger. Fear. We are not comfortable with uncomfortable emotions. I know I tend to try to help the person “fix it” and feel better. But many times, that is not what they need. I’ve realized what people need most is to know they aren’t alone. I share the burden of difficult emotions by being present. By carrying some of the weight.

Dear Friend, I hope that my words offer you that. I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggles or grief. I can’t fix your problems, just as you can’t fix mine. But we can walk together and help each other stand.

The most important thing I have to give is myself. Some friends have been going through a season of transition and Tom and I decided that I would travel to see them. As I spent time with my friends it became clear they did not need me to say or do anything specific. They were encouraged because I had made the effort to come to them. My visit expressed love. I didn’t need to do anything more than be there. I didn’t need to offer them wisdom or answers. All they needed me to do was listen, love them, and share some of the weight.

You don’t need ministry credentials to minister to the people around you. You don’t need to offer answers or advice. All you need to do is give them your open-hearted and compassionate self. You will make more difference than you realize. Truly.

Dear Friend, the most important gift you can give anyone is the gift of yourself. As you listen with the love of Christ and bear some of the weight of their troubles you serve those around you with the ministry of presence. You don’t need to fix it. You just need to be there. Believe me, it’s more than enough.

 Key Question: What is the ministry of presence?

A Scripture to Consider: “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NLT

A YES Challenge: As you spend time with people notice any tendencies to try to fix their problems. Decide to give them the gift of your listening and loving presence instead.  

Prayer: Father God, I confess I often want to fix things that aren’t mine to fix. I want to make people feel better when they simply need me to share the burden. You are the One who brings resolve to life’s troubles. Just as Jesus offered Himself as a bridge to relationship with You, help me offer myself as a bridge that brings the people around me closer to You. Help me be intentional about offering others the ministry of presence. Amen.