The YES Adventure

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Set Goals That Focus on Faithfulness

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16 NIV

 Are you a goal-setter? I have found setting goals to be one of the best tools for growth. When I set a goal that is specific and set a target completion date, I find myself stumbling forward even if I don’t meet my goal. I’ve learned to evaluate my goals by growth rather than accomplishment. Isn’t growth what makes life meaningful? Goals challenge me to keep thinking forward and acting forward. However, achieving the goal has become less important to me as I have…matured. Why?

Alright, as I’ve gotten OLDER (the word I was avoiding) I’ve realized that faithfulness is of higher value than productive success. A faithful life is a fruitful life. And, as I’ve been recently ruminating, I’d rather be fruitful than productive and fulfilled rather than satisfied (Click the links to check out those posts.) When you and I focus on faithfulness we will be fruitful and fulfilled. Faithfulness will lead to fruitfulness. When we are fruitful we will be productive because we will produce what matters.

So, how do goals fit into focusing on fruitfulness and faithfulness? The goals you set become even more important because they become focused on fulfilling purpose and transforming character.

 When I focus on faithfulness, I fulfill my purpose.  How are you measuring success? By checking things off your task list? Been there. Done that! Faithful goals are not just about getting things done. Faithful goals are about fulfilling your God-ordained purpose. He created you and placed you on this planet for a specific purpose. When you align your goals with your purpose you can’t help but fulfill it over and over. Purpose is not a one-shot deal. Purpose is accomplished over time through many small decisions. Faithfulness is fruitful because it is focused on purpose. How does what you’ve accomplished fit into what you believe you were designed for?

 When I focus on faithfulness, I produce the right kind of fruit. Goals are great. Truly! They add structure to scattered seasons. They can become guardrails that remind us to align with purpose if we set them with purpose in view. Purpose-aligned goals lead to fruit that lasts, in us as well as through us. Purpose-aligned goals have transformed me from a hesitant and anxious supporter to a confident and peaceful leader. Let me assure you there are still moments of hesitance and anxiety, However, when they arise, they don’t make me freeze in indecision. That frozen indecision was my default for years. The purpose-aligned goals I have set over the years have helped produce the fruit of character that God wants to build in me. Character that reflects Christ and leads to a transformed life.

 When I focus on faithfulness, I become the person I am meant to be. What if you measured success by growth? Did you respond better than you did last time to that annoying person? Did you face that fearful phone call instead of avoiding it? Did you try that thing you’ve never done before so that you could take another step toward that big goal?

When I look back on the person I used to be, I am truly amazed at what God has done in me. My goals have been tools that God has used to shape the person I have become, and I am so grateful! When I say goodbye to earth and hello to eternity the results of achieving those goals will be so much clearer. What about you? How are your goals shaping you? They are, you know, whether you are aware of it or not. Why not be intentional and set goals that focus on faithfulness, fruitfulness, and growth?

 Dear Friend, you are accomplishing so much more than you realize. You are becoming a more beautiful reflection of Jesus. Each small faith-filled decision is a goal achieved. You are achieving the goal of honoring your King. You are achieving the goal of loving Him above all. You are achieving the goal of loving your neighbor as yourself. And in the process, you are doing more and going farther than you think. Yes, you are!

 Key Question: How do goals fit into focusing on fruitfulness?

A Scripture to Consider:You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”  John 15:16 NIV

 A YES Challenge: Take some time to prayerfully reflect on some recent accomplishments. How has achieving those goals contributed to your growth?  

Prayer: Dear Lord, I want to do more than check boxes on a task list. I want to become the person You designed me to be. Help me to set purpose-aligned goals that facilitate my growth. I want to grow in Christ-like character. But I also want to do all that You designed me to do for Your honor and glory. Amen.