The YES Adventure

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Take A Deep Breath And Take The Next Step

I followed my friend’s directions...I thought. But here I am at a “T” in the road. Now what?! Right or left? I am not really sure which way is correct, but I know what I can’t do. I cannot stay here with a line of traffic behind me. I have to make a choice. I have to go somewhere! I take a deep breath, put on my signal blinker and turn. Here goes!

Maybe you’ve been in that kind of situation as well. You might be right there at this point in your life. The end of a year. The beginning of a new one. Which way do I turn now?

We all ask the same questions. Which is the right way to choose? What is the right thing to do. Which direction should I head in? How is this all going to turn out?

You and I have things that we want to do. For those of us who are believers, even nominal believers, we want to know God’s will. We often get stuck because we feel like there is only one right way to go and if we mess it up we will have ruined our whole life and God’s plan. That is a pretty big failure, messing up God’s plan! Who wants that kind of responsibility?! Maybe you say to yourself, “I guess I will just make no decision. Stay where I am. Change nothing. Isn’t that safer? Isn’t it better to stay where I am than to mess everything up?”

Like the “T” in the road, the only thing you can’t do is stay where you are. You may feel like making no decision is safest, but, take it from someone who knows, making no decision is still a decision and every decision has consequences. So, make a choice!

Here’s the thing: Whatever decision you make, God is with you. You really can’t mess up God’s plan. The Old Testament into the New Testament makes it clear. If you take the time to read the Bible you will see people who messed up big time all through the history of God’s people. Yet, God stayed true to His purpose for them. He remained faithful, even when they were faithless and disobedient. He planned for the needed adjustments so that at the just the right time He could send us Jesus, His promises fulfilled in a tiny baby. The Savior we celebrate is the culmination of years of disobedience and missed opportunities by those people God had chosen to be His own. If that doesn’t encourage you, what will?! You can not mess up God’s plan. He is big enough to handle our missteps. And oh, by the way, He has planned for them in advance. He knows what adjustments will need to be made so that His purposes can be accomplished in and through you.

Relax and take the next right step. No worries. What God wants most is your HEART pointed in the right direction. Your feet may stumble. You may take a detour, but God is able to get you back where He wants you. Your desire to follow His will is enough for Him to work with.

Maybe you aren’t like me, but maybe you are. I like to see all the way down the road, before I even take a step. At least, that is the way I used to operate. It’s still in me, I admit it. But I have learned through the years that I can rarely see more than a few feet ahead of me on the road of life. God really only lights up the next step for us, at least for me. So, I have learned to just do what I can see is the next best step forward. I can guarantee that if you don’t take the next step, you won’t make any progress. The only way to get from where you are now to where you want to be is to keep moving forward. And moving forward happens one small step at a time. It’s okay if you can’t see all the way down the road. Just step.

Keep moving forward. Moving is better than staying still. It really is. Fear of making the wrong step used to paralyze me. But is doesn’t any more. I can’t say that the fear of making a mistake is any less, but I don’t let it keep me from taking a step. I understand now that even a misstep is better than no step. Make one change, even a small one, and keep going. Maybe you aren’t even sure if the next step you can see is the best one. If it is the only one you can see, then it is the next right step.

Moving is always a risk. I know. But progress only happens with risk. Progress is outside the comfortable and familiar. What do you risk by not moving? You risk progressing toward the goal that you want to reach. Just take the step and you will find that you have moved forward. You will be glad that you did. Remember, you can’t mess it up. God is with you.

Trust that whatever step you take, God will use it for His glory. Ultimately, that is the goal, isn’t it? It’s not just about your progress, right? Not just your success? If you belong to Jesus, then your ultimate goal is always and only God’s glory. When you step into the unfamiliar, a place that you never would have gone without Him, then you bring Him glory. When you demonstrate that your life has changed because of Him, then you bring Him glory. When You choose to rearrange your plan to accommodate another person in love, then you bring Him glory. Let me tell you, Dear One, bringing Him glory is success. It doesn’t matter the size of the step. Every small step that you take outside your comfort zone for His sake, brings Him glory and is, therefore, success.

Dear Friend, God has been with you in the past, is with you in the present and will be with you in the future. He knows the end from the beginning. You can not mess up His plan, Dear One! He will continue His good work regardless of your timidity or stubbornness. You do not need to figure this whole thing out. You don’t need to do it all perfectly. All you need to do is take the next right step, keep moving forward focused on bringing Him glory with your life. When you do that, you are right on track.

So, here we are. At a “T”in the road. Time to take a deep breath, flip on your signal blinker and turn into the future! 2020, here we come!

Key thought: God will fulfill His plan as you take the next right step.

A Scripture to consider: “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭46:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A YES challenge: What decision are you delaying for fear of making a mistake? Consider the next right step and take it today!

Prayer: Lord, my greatest desire is to please You. I struggle with making mistakes. I don’t want to mess up Your plan. Today, I choose to believe that You are big enough to handle my missteps and missed opportunities. I will trust You to keep me on the right path. I will trust You enough to take the next step and let You guide the steps that follow. Amen